Have Faith
Meet your Community Churches
December, 2014 - Issue #122

Says Lead Pastor Rusty George, "Our vision is to be a church that unchurched people find irresistible. We do this through weekly Biblical teaching that is practical, real and based on authentic relationships, along with generous outreach both locally and globally. Our weekend services are casual and energetic and we encourage members to join Life Groups that meet in homes around the community during the week to build relationships and grow in their faith. We strive to love and care for our community. We are a 'me too' type of church, where there are no perfect people allowed. It is a safe place to have doubts, troubles and hang-ups, as we know that no one has it all figured out. We strive to remove barriers from past experiences that hinder people from hearing the life-changing message of Jesus."

"We exist to help people FIND & FOLLOW Jesus."
Drop in for worship at RLC's Valencia Campus Thursdays at 7pm; Sundays at 8:30am, 10am, 11:30am and 5pm (Childcare Nursery through fifth grade); and at RLC's Newhall Campus Sundays at 10am for Vida Real Spanish Service (Childcare Nursery through fifth grade). You can also check out RLC's Online Campus at Live streaming services are on Sundays at 8:30am, 10am, 11:30am and 5pm and feature an online pastor available for live chats.

Ring in the Christmas season at Real Life with an uplifting message and an exciting live musical performance by Colton Dixon, featured in season 11 of "American Idol," at their Christmas services.

Get your free tickets and more information on their website at 775-7401


Pastor Debbie Sperry says, "Like most mainline Christians, we believe in the traditional doctrines like the Trinity, the incarnation, the resurrection... What distinguishes us from others is how we talk about our faith journey and understand God's grace - a free gift to us. We believe in God's grace, which is the unearned, loving action of God in our lives. In spite of suffering, violence and evil in the world, we believe that God's grace exists everywhere and is available to all of us. We believe God's grace motivates us to become more like Christ in our daily living, constantly seeking a deeper relationship with God and those around us."

"While God knows our love by what God SEES IN OUR HEARTS, others know our love through our service & action."
VUMC feels like home - like the "church next door." They are a joy-filled faith community that is open and accepting of all who desire to connect with others and with God. They are a church family committed to being #hereforgood and for transformation of the world. "Worship is creative, well planned, inspiring and relevant. We convey our 'feel' through welcome, visual arts, musical excellence, variety, and intentionality about who we are and how we live our faith. We are a church that is here for everyone. We have many different ways we live our faith by caring for others. Being of service isn't just something we do, making a difference in our community is core to who we are. We have an amazing children's ministry that lays a strong foundation for a life of faith. There are many places to plug in and develop a relationship with God from small groups, to worship, to special events, to feeding the hungry, to sheltering the homeless," says Pastor Sperry.

Visit Valencia United Methodist Church on Sundays at 9am (traditional hymns with a choir) and 10:30am (modern with praise songs and a band). You are also invited to take part in the Advent Celebration on Sunday, November 30 and to visit Christmas Eve at 4:30pm and 5:30 pm for Family Worship; 7:30pm and 9pm for Candlelight Worship and 11pm for Candlelight with Communion.



"Providing encouragement & hope through the comfort & love of GOD'S WORD."
Senior Pastor Marlon Saunders says, "We believe and hang our faith on every aspect associated with God as our Father, God the Son as our Savior, and God the Holy Spirit as our Guide and Comforter. We are a very lively and energetic group of people excited about what we believe and the message that we are trying to share with the world. This is conveyed through music and very practical and engaging teachings from the Bible."

Shares Pastor Saunders, "We have a very unique sound within our music ministry that cannot be duplicated. The delivery of the sermons is not only underlined with humor but based in extreme transparency, authenticity, real life experiences, psychology and an overall practicality that has very specific applications to everyday life scenarios. In general, the children are rushing the parents to church because they are so excited about what is waiting for them once they arrive. The youth are on fire and the Young Adults are constantly forming bonds and relationships that extend far beyond the church walls. Overall, VCC is a place that excites and unites the entire family. We're like the Olive Garden - when you're here, you're family!"

"Drop in on any given Sunday at 9am or 11am. No need to wait for a special event. Every Sunday is fire!," says Pastor Saunders. Bible Study is held on Wednesdays at 7pm. Turn to page 20 for information on VCC's Christmas concert.



Celebrate with your Choice of 4 Services

The congregation at Christ Lutheran Church is feeling especially blessed this Christmas. They are anticipating the return of Senior Pastor Joe Campeau following his successful kidney transplant surgery in September. (Associate Pastor Mike Matzek has been doing a tremendous job during Pastor Joe's recovery. Thank you, Pastor Mike!)

With all this excitement, there's even more reason to visit Christ Lutheran during the Christmas season. CLC's early services will feature great music and a presentation that mixes live action with animated segments. This year they will once again offer two family-friendly Christmas services, at 4pm and 5:30pm, featuring animation produced in-house by CLC's talented animation team. The live-action portion will tell the story of Jesus' birth through the eyes of three shepherds who find their lives changed after witnessing the birth of our Savior. This original work was written by CLC member Matthew Bett, based on an idea by CLC member Herb Moore, leader of the animation team. No spoilers - but word is that Pastor Joe and Pastor Mike will make a special animated cameo appearance!

Christ Lutheran also offers two traditional candlelight services at 8pm and 11pm. The early candlelight service is very popular for people who love attending a candlelight service but prefer to get to bed before midnight! Both services feature Christ Lutheran Church's Chancel Choir, led by Kristin Frederick, and a talented instrumental ensemble, led by organist Roger Greene. You are invited to arrive 20 minutes prior to each candlelight service to hear beautiful, instrumental Christmas music.

Christ Lutheran Church 259-0200
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