Have Faith
May, 2015 - Issue #127

From One Mom to Another
by Debbie Sperry
It takes a lot to be a mom: to juggle the demands of children, plus those of our spouse, work, volunteering and all the things we think we should be doing to be a "good" mom.

"That same God loves you enough to entrust you with children with the desire that you would love them as unconditionally as GOD LOVES YOU."
Debbie Sperry of Valencia United Methodist Church
Maybe you're one of those "supermoms," but I'll confess that I'm not. Even though I think I do pretty well, the cute handmade Valentines, the perfect birthday party, the right balance of fun and learning... they always seem just beyond my reach.

But our value as people, women, or mothers isn't determined by whether or not the clothes are all cleaned and put away, or dinner is made from scratch and ready at 6pm each night, or our kids are reading books by 4 or playing Mozart by 7.
Our worth, wholly and solely, is determined by God, who says we are enough just as we are. That same God loves you enough to entrust you with children and His desire is that you would love them as unconditionally as He loves you and that you would give of yourself as freely as God does - so that each of God's children might live into the fullness of who we were created to be.
Debbie Sperry is the lead pastor of Valencia United Methodist Church.
Learn more at 255-1301 #vumchereforgood

Learn About what's Really Going On in the Middle East
by Linda Bonar
Pastor Fawzi Khalil of Kasr el Dobara Evangelical Church in Cairo was our guest at Christ Lutheran Church for the first time in 2013.

"If all you KNOW OF EGYPT is what you see on television, you might ask yourself, 'How can there be any good news coming from that part of the world?'"
Linda Bonar of Christ Lutheran Church
His passionate description of the work his church was doing in the Middle East during such a tumultuous time inspired the congregation to want to partner with KDEC in their outreach to Cairo's poor and forgotten.

If all you know of Egypt is what you see on television, you might ask yourself, "How can there be any good news coming from that part of the world?"

Pastor Fawzi has an answer. He has inspired a number of Christ Lutheran Church members to not only offer financial assistance (CLC helps support KDEC's Food Bank.) but also by sending people to support the cause. A team from CLC, led by Pastor Fawzi, will travel to Cairo this summer.

The people of Egypt are keenly aware of the reputation their country has on the world stage - so when others are willing to fly 17 hours to stand with them in their trouble, they literally overflow with thankfulness.

Intrigued? Hear more from Pastor Fawzi about his work, not only in Cairo, but also among refugees from Iraq and Syria, on April 26 at 8am, 9:30am and 11am.
Christ Lutheran Church 259-0200
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