Have Faith
June, 2015 - Issue #128
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What Fathers Do by Debbie Sperry
Dads are special figures in our lives. They do a lot to teach us and form us. And, because God is so often called "Father," dads have the privilege and the responsibility of shaping how we first understand and relate to God.

I am so grateful I have a dad who did an amazing job of shaping how I understand both my earthly father and my Heavenly Father. My dad is compassionate, thoughtful, caring, attentive, supportive, helpful and firm. It was easy for me to love God from an early age because I assumed my Heavenly Father was like my earthly dad and I loved them both!

As a pastor, I've talked with more than a few folks who have struggled because their relationship with their dad didn't help them want to get to know God, the Father. They had to relearn what a dad was supposed to be as they learned about God in the scriptures. ​

As a mom, I care a lot about how my husband, my daughter's father, loves her. Not just because it shapes who she is as a person, but also because it has the power to affect how easily she learns to love and follow God.

I hope this Father's Day you can celebrate your dad (birth, step, adopted, or foster father) and that you celebrate your Heavenly Father. If you're a dad, I pray​ that you possess​ courage, strength and wisdom as you love and care for your children and share the love and care of God the Father with them.

We invite you to join us Sunday, June 21 at 9am and 10:30am as we celebrate all fathers!​
Debbie Sperry is the lead pastor at Valencia United Methodist Church. #VUMChereforgood

Fathers Make it Fun
Every year, Christ Lutheran Church hosts an action-packed, faith-filled week of Vacation Bible School.

The campus swells with kids from all over our valley, pulsing with the kind of energy only the Holy Spirit can deliver! Singing, crafts, stories, lessons, games, all centered around the love that Jesus shows for each of His children. It is the most fun and inspiring week of our year and one we look forward to with joyful anticipation.

One of the things that makes it extra special is how the dads and granddads of our congregation get involved. From the moment you turn into the parking lot it is apparent that these guys are here because they want to be a part of what God is doing. Clad in their festive VBS t-shirts and orange vests, they pitch in wherever they are needed. From helping with drop-off and pick up, to handling first aid, to providing fresh water jugs, they work tirelessly throughout the week to make sure everyone has a safe, as well as wonderful, VBS experience. We even have dads who arrange their vacation days just so they can be available to volunteer.

There is nothing better than seeing your local sheriff do "hand motions" along with "Jesus Loves Me," or Grandpa Otto delivering fresh cool water in the California mid-morning heat, or one of our valleys high powered District Attorneys running the Game Station. By being part of the fun, they are modeling the kind of love the Father has for all of us-sacrificial, tireless, devoted. We are so thankful for them.
Christ Lutheran Church 259-0200

Free Biblical Counseling Now Available to SCV Residents
Whether you're dealing with anger, depression, financial worry, marriage problems, anxiety, child-rearing issues or any other emotional malady, the common refrain you may hear goes something like this: "You should talk about it with a trusted counselor." Unfortunately, that's often easier said than done. Most health insurance policies don't adequately cover counseling sessions. And, even if you're able to find affordable options, the counseling service you receive may not comfortably coordinate with your religious views. For many believers, their ideal "trusted counselor" is not just an expert in matters of the heart but can speak with an informed theological framework that doesn't just bring your soul closer to resolution - it brings you face to face with the truth of the Gospel. Placerita Biblical Counseling Center's highly-trained on-site counselors volunteer their services as a means of glorifying God.

"Each PBCC counselor must undergo hundreds of hours of education, mentorship, observation and practice before they can be a certified biblical counselor. These men and women share biblical truth with their clients, always focusing on the counselee's heart. It's through this truth that lives and relationships are transformed - and hope springs anew," says Placerita Bible Church's Senior Pastor Adam Tyson. This kind of guidance is priceless and, in this case, it's also free. "We absolutely do not charge for our ongoing counseling sessions," says Pastor Tyson.

Interested in learning more about PBCC's services? Log onto to fill out an online Personal Data Information (PDI) counseling form. Appointments are scheduled within 48 hours after receipt of your PDI. Counseling sessions last one hour and are held once weekly. You may also contact Placerita Bible Church directly with your questions.
Placerita Bible Church 259-2913
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