Have Faith
July, 2015 - Issue #129

Sharing His word through our Have Faith feature is the most rewarding part of publishing. We're grateful for the relationships we've built with our pastors and congregations and we're looking forward to the next 10 years of sharing messages of faith and hope!
"For we live by faith, not by sight."
2 Corinthians 5:7

Transitioning from Fear to Faith
by Marlon Saunders

I remember 2005 like it was yesterday. Valencia Christian Center had not yet launched and wouldn't launch for another three years. However, it was in 2005 that God really started speaking heavily to me about starting a church right here in the Santa Clarita Valley. I tried my best to drown out His voice and every thought as it related to starting a church here in the SCV because I did not know anyone at all and had no clue how it would ever work.

I remember asking God for several signs and confirmations, all of which He did, to confirm that He was asking me to launch a church here in this valley. 2005 was a year where faith clearly became about believing beyond what can be seen or even understood. I began to transition greatly from fear to faith. I now look back 10 years later, with a grateful heart, so glad that I decided to trust God more than I trusted myself.
I am now pastor at Valencia Christian Center where, at 7 years old, God has allowed us to experience phenomenal growth from approximately 15 people to approximately 800. VCC has 25 established ministries within the church and is quickly becoming extremely active in the community by way of connecting with many of the local non-profits. The relationships that we have established are invaluable and can only be credited back to God.

As I celebrate the success of my 2005 faith test, I also celebrate the amazing work Inside SCV has done to become one of the major forces that keeps our community connected. Congratulations Inside SCV!
Marlon Saunders is the lead pastor at Valencia Christian Center

A Decade of Ministry worth Celebrating
by Debbie Sperry

Looking back over the last 10 years, we have a lot to celebrate. We've continued to develop our children and youth ministries, adding a director of family ministries and hiring a new youth leader. We've developed Pioneer Clubs, our mid-week kids' ministry, and have an awesome program to help moms connect and grow called Mom2Mom. It's exciting to see so many new faces and to be mentored and supported by those who have had faith and served God for years.

It's always been our vision to be #hereforgood and because of that we've expanded our outreach and missions. We are very committed to helping those struggling with homelessness and advocated to start Family Promise here in the valley. We also started supporting Tirzah International and their work empowering women and children.

We are proud to partner with Project Chacocente in Nicaragua, helping families move out of the dumps and into their own homes and offering K-to-12 education to children. It's a privilege to be of service and share the Good News of Christ through tangible acts. We celebrate the last 10 years and all those years before. And looking forward, we are anxious to see how God will move in and through us in the next 10 years. We are #hereforgood and #hereformore.
Debbie Sperry is the lead pastor of Valencia United Methodist Church. #vumchereforgood
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