Have Faith
December, 2015 - Issue #134
Meet Valencia United Methodist Church
Reverend Debbie Sperry

Describe Valencia United Methodist's primary theological tenants.

• We believe in God, who loves us and wants to be in relationship with us.
• We believe God has worked throughout history to build that relationship with us.
• We believe God sent his Son Jesus Christ to help us understand God and the depth of God's love for us.
• We believe that a relationship with God offers wholeness, purpose, healing and abundant life.
• We believe that when we choose to respond to God's offer of a relationship through Christ that we are transformed by God's love and invited to share that same love with others freely and abundantly.

What is the "feel" of your church?
I've heard a number of our new people say the church feels warm, welcoming and like home. The warmth of our community is conveyed through personal relationships, care for those in need and an opportunity to be real with our faith.

What makes VUMC different?
We are a community of faith that is truly dedicated to living out our faith in concrete ways. We are diverse in who we are, and even the specifics of what we believe theologically - we want everyone to feel welcome. It's not just what we believe, but how we share God's love, care, compassion and mercy with others. Our faith is most vibrant when we make a positive difference in our community and our world - that's why we are committed to being #hereforgood.

When can people "get a feel" for your church?
We have two upcoming events that are great opportunities to "get a feel" of our church. The first is an original musical/play, "O Little Town of Bethlehem, PA" written by one of our members and presented at 9am, and 10:30am, on Sunday, December 6. The second event would be any of our Christmas Eve worship services. We have a family friendly worship at 5pm, followed by inspiring worship led by our amazing choir and band at 7:30pm and 9pm and a more reflective traditional worship with communion led by our choir at 11pm.

When do you worship?
Sundays at 9am for Classic Worship and 10:30am for Contemporary Worship. You are welcome here. Maybe you have never been to a church. Maybe you doubt God. Maybe you struggle with what you believe Christians are about and what you see or read in the news. Maybe you're new to the area and looking for a place to connect. Whoever you are, wherever you are in life, you are invited to join us.

Thursday | December 3 to Saturday | December 5
The Master's College Presents Come ChristmasSing
The Master's College presents this year's Come ChristmasSing concert series, "It's Beginning to Look a lot Like Christmas." It will be an evening of musical celebration featuring traditional holiday favorites for all ages, Christmas scenes and light refreshments. In its 32nd year, this concert will also include choruses from Handel's "Messiah" with all music being performed and directed by students and faculty of the Department of Music. This concert will be held in the MacArthur Center at 7:30pm nightly and with a 2pm Saturday matinee. Tickets are $12 to $36, plus fees. 362-2262
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