Have Faith
Are You Hangry for God?
March, 2016 - Issue #137
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Have you ever had the unpleasant experience of being around someone who was "hangry" - that unpleasant emotional state caused by hunger? The solution to the problem is simple. Food. Food provides fuel and energy for our bodies. It is amazing how quickly a snack or meal can return a hangry person to their normal, happy selves. To work properly, our bodies must have food.

I think we can also be spiritually hangry. We get cranky, short-tempered, impatient, unhappy and can barely stand to be around ourselves. Just as our hungry bodies want physical food to provide fuel and energy, our souls want spiritual food to keep us energized and content.

We can fuel our souls through spiritual disciplines - prayer, meditation, reading Scripture, solitude, worship and service, among others. Isaiah 40:29-31 offers this promise: He gives strength to those who are tired and more power to those who are weak ... the people who trust the Lord will become strong again. They will rise up as an eagle in the sky; they will run and not need rest; they will walk and not become tired.

Those words assure us that God offers spiritual food, allowing us to have strength, power and renewal - all things that help our souls function properly - and help us to be happier and healthier people.

When we stay connected to God, we stay connected to the source of all that we need to be happy, content and joy filled. A strong connection to God shows through our attitudes, our behaviors and our overall health.
Allowing God to feed our souls gives us the energy and fuel we need to live healthy, happy lives.

Are you physically hangry? Grab a snack. Are you spiritually hangry? Find some time to connect with the One who feeds your soul.
Michelle Andrews is the director of Discipleship and Care at Valencia United Methodist Church. 255-1301 #hereforgood
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