Have Faith
April, 2016 - Issue #138
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The Old & New Testament:
Two Sides of
the Same Cradle

by Joe Campeau

Martin Luther said that the scripture is the "Cradle that holds Christ." I love that image. It reminds me of the familiar misconception that there is a vast difference between the Old and New Testaments. The two Testaments are like two sides of the same cradle; they are part of the same thing and what they both do is direct us to Jesus.

Holy Week and Easter illustrate this most clearly. The Old Testament is packed with verses that, from the vantage point of this side of the cross, point with laser-like clarity to Jesus, even though many of the passages were written hundreds of years before His birth.

The Old Testament prophecies make clear that Jesus didn't die as a tragic mistake. It was all a part of God's intention from the very beginning to bring you salvation, the forgiveness of your sins and new life.
He planned all along to do it all for you. Happy Easter!
Joe Campeau is the senior pastor at Christ Lutheran Church. 259-0200

And if that wasn't Enough...
by Stephen Hundley

God made all things and called them good. When God made us - yes, you and me - God called it very good! This is how the Hebrew Scriptures refer to the creation of people, human beings like us, in the book of Genesis. God's desire for companionship and for the care of all creation is fulfilled every time someone is born.

God is in each of us even if we do not know it. Have you ever looked back at your life and realized that something special happened that led you to a great experience or opportunity? This was God working in your life.

God loves us through life and showed that extraordinary love by being incarnated, born of a woman, in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. And if that wasn't enough, he gave his life for all of us on the cross. And if that wasn't enough, he resurrected on what we call Easter. And if that wasn't enough we have the gift of God's Holy Spirit to guide us each day.

I know - it's hard to believe but it is very good for us, too! Know that you are "very good" in the eyes of the one who created you! Find peace each day.

Please join us for Easter! Sunrise Communion on the patio is from 6:30am to 7am and Easter celebrations are at 8:30am, 9:45am and 11am.
Pastor Stephen Hundley is the interim pastor at Valencia United Methodist Church. 255-1301

Don't Miss! Wednesday | March 23 & Thursday | March 24
The Master's College Presents Annual Forest Lawn Concerts

The Master's College Department of Music presents their annual Forest Lawn Concerts to celebrate Resurrection week. The concerts will take place on Wednesday, March 23 and Thursday, March 24 at 7:30pm in the Hall of The Crucifixion-Resurrection at Forest Lawn, Glendale.

Performed by the Collegiate Singers, Orchestra and soloists and conducted by Dr. Paul T. Plew and Dr. Stephen Opfer, the concerts will feature the Easter portions of G.F. Handel's "Messiah" along with other works celebrating the resurrection of the Christ. Doors open at 7pm; the event is located at 1712 S. Glendale Avenue in Glendale. Tickets are complimentary and may be requested online at or by calling. 362-2262
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