Have Faith
February, 2017 - Issue #148
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Real, Godly Love
by Steve Peralta

Growing up, I used to love buying a box of little Valentine's Day cards and giving them to each of my classmates. At dinner time, my mother would put a small, simple gift and card for each of us on our dinner plates. These little acts of showing appreciation and receiving an expression of love made me feel special; they still do.

As an adult, I have discovered that small, heartfelt expressions of love often carry the greatest impact upon my heart. So as Valentine's Day approaches, can we take a moment and separate love from romance? What does it mean when God asks us to "love one another?"

The Christian Bible ascribes several virtues to love: patience, kindness, trusting and enduring. Love is not arrogant, rude or self absorbed. Love seeks out goodness and truth (1 Corinthians 13). We are encouraged to genuinely love one another with mutual affection and to outdo one another in showing honor (Romans 12). We love one another because love is of God, and those who love genuinely know God (1 John 4).

In this still New Year, the world and our nation could use an increase in love: real, Godly love. So this February, let's celebrate every aspect of love and remember that as we live with faith, hope and love, the greatest of these is love.
Reverend Steve Peralta of Valencia United Methodist Church

Sunday Evening Worship
Now Available at Crossroads Community Church

Beginning February 12, Crossroads Community Church will begin offering convenient Sunday-evening worship services. Crossroads has made more room - and they have a seat for you! Worship on Sunday evenings begins at 5pm. Crossroads Community Church is located at 28042 Avenue Stanford, Unit D, in Valencia.
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