Have Faith
June, 2017 - Issue #153
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A Father's Gift
by Steve Peralta

My father passed away two years ago. We were close and it still hurts: I miss him every day. He taught me so much about life, love and faith. He pushed me to do well in everything I tried. He told me he was proud of me. He was the finest man I knew. No, he wasn't perfect, but he was a good man.
My sisters and I agree that he gave us one gift that stood out over all the other things. As children, when we would go to bed, he was the one who would come in and kneel at our bedside and pray with us and for us. As we became teenagers and we readied ourselves for bed, we would see him at his bedside, kneeling and praying. We always knew that our father prayed for us, every day.
Praying may not seem like a masculine, manly thing to do - yet that image of our dad kneeling at his bedside modeled his love for us and the conviction of his faith. If you are a father, pray with your children and let them see you praying. It will be the best gift you leave them with.
Also of note: Valencia United Methodist Church will be hosting an amazing Vacation Bible School June 26 to June 30 from 9am to 12:15pm. Our theme is Maker Fun Factory. Kids will discover God made them - and for a purpose! They'll learn Bible stories, sing songs, play games, eat yummy treats and test out sciencey-fun gizmos. We offer a special tween program for fifth and sixth graders, too. Registration is available now and space is limited. Visit for more information.
Pastor Steve Peralta of Valencia United Methodist Church.

Don't Miss the GLORY Festival
On Friday, June 16 from 3pm to 10pm, check out Casting Crowns, Mac Powell of Third Day, Jordan Feliz, Hollyn, Zach Williams and so much more at the GLORY festival at College of the Canyons! GLORY is a single-day, family-friendly Christian music festival that features national contemporary Christian artists, local worship bands, Christian merchants, free activities for the kids, food concessionaires and much more. GLORY is an opportunity for the body of Christ to come together with one voice, giving GLORY to God. You won't want to miss prolific CCM band Casting Crowns, which currently holds the position as Billboard's top-selling act in Christian music since 2007!
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courtesy of Shutterstock

Being a Dad Gives a Glimpse of what God must Feel
by Scott Mocha

This morning started innocently enough for my 2-year-old son. When the time came to take him to daycare (which he loves) he threw the biggest tantrum, hitting me with his toys, screaming the entire way to the car and the entire way there.
We arrived, and I extricated him begrudgingly from his car seat. Suddenly realizing where he was, his screams of terror changed to joy and he ran towards his teacher, arms outstretched. Jackson clearly didn't know I was taking him somewhere better than where he had been before.
I became a follower of Jesus at 32, and in those moments, I cannot help but think that I spent 32 years acting just like him. I kicked and screamed and held onto the life that I had lived previously, not knowing that where I was going was so much better.
Being a dad has given me such awareness of those years and a glimpse into what God must feel for so many of us making our journey through life. He's taking us somewhere amazing, somewhere worth going, and doing it with such love. No matter how much we kick, scream and fail to believe Him, His love for us never fades and He never lets go.
Please join us for VBS! At Santa Clarita UMC's VBS Hero Central, your students will enjoy an interactive, energizing, Bible-based good time as they discover their strength in God. They will become heroes and explore how to serve God, as well as identify God's mission for their lives. Join us the week of June 26 to June 30 from 9am to 12:30pm for VBS Hero Central. Register at or contact our church office by phone.
Scott Mocha is the worship team leader at Santa Clarita United Methodist Church. 297-3783

Vacation Bible School is "Built for a Purpose"
by Esther Siegen

VBS is just around the corner! (That's Vacation Bible School for you newbies!). At Christ Lutheran Church, VBS is one of our favorite weeks of the year! The campus is buzzing with excitement, the stage is set, volunteer t-shirts are bedazzled with care and the pastors are decked out in their VBS best!
Hundreds of preschoolers to sixth graders converge on our campus for an exciting week filled with learning about God's never ending love for us. For those not quite ready to be on their own, we offer a "Parent/Tot" program, too. We love our volunteers and have opportunities for seventh grade on up (There's no age limit for our volunteers!). We have a spot for everyone!
Members of the congregation pray every day for all the participants. The kids have a blast learning about Jesus's love through songs, skits, crafts and games. This year, "Maker Fun Factory - Created by God, Built for a Purpose" will be the week of June 19 to June 23. Kids will explore all the wonders of God's creation in this dynamic, hands-on program.
We will have a registration table on the patio outside of church. Join us for one of our services (8am, 9:30am or 11am) and sign your kids up for VBS! Online registration is also available at
Esther Siegen is the director of children's ministries at Christ Lutheran Church. 259-0200

Sports Camp is a Kick
NorthPark's version of VBS is back for another year of fun and learning about Jesus! Sports Camp will kick off on June 19 and run through June 23. Your 4-to-12-year-old child will have a blast while making new friends at Camp, which runs from 9am to 12:15pm each day. The sports offered this year are soccer, basketball, cheer, ultimate frisbee and Team 4/5 for 4 and 5 year olds; kids will build skills and enjoy the benefits of healthy movement while deepening their relationship with Christ. Registration begins May 21 at church or online; the cost is $50 with an early bird rate of $45 if you sign up before June 1. Contact Kristin Sullivan at with questions.
NorthPark Community Church 296-6784
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