Have Faith
Meet The Pastor Edition
December, 2017 - Issue #159
Valencia United Methodist
Valencia United Methodist
Valencia United Methodist Church
Reverend Steven F. Peralta, lead pastor

As a Christian church, Valencia United Methodist Church holds that one experiences salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Faith is expressed both through personal and inward acts of belief and devotion, as well as through outward and public acts of service and love - which display the love of Christ. Valencia United Methodist Church uses scripture, tradition, experience and reason to discern God's will for our lives.

Valencia United Methodist Church is your neighborhood church, version 2.0. They exist to help people grow as followers of Christ through engaging worship; intentional Christian education opportunities; and hands on, face-to-face service opportunities both locally and internationally. They have traditional and modern elements in worship.

When they say "all are welcome," they mean all. Valencia United Methodist Church is an "open" church: They respect, invite and welcome all people in everything they do, including communion. They are a safe place for people to learn about Christ and grow in their faith.

Valencia United Methodist Church invites you to join them for their Advent Celebration on Sunday, December 3, beginning at 4:30pm. The Celebration is for the whole family and includes dinner, activities for children and families (With snow!), crafts, music, singing and a faith-filled message. The evening is a great way to kick off your Advent and Christmas seasons; tickets are on sale now and are $8 per person or $30 max per family.
Join Valencia United Methodist Church for Christmas Eve worship, too. The Family Friendly service is at 5pm; Joyful Worship with Praise Band and Choir is at 7:30pm and 9pm; Reflective Worship with Communion is at 11pm. 255-1301

Grace Baptist
Grace Baptist
Grace Baptist Church
by Pastor David W. Hegg & wife Cherylyn Hegg

We believe the Bible is the very word of God and through it He calls us to both truth and love. We delight in the gospel story of God's refusal to let sin win and His determination, out of a fierce love, to rescue those drowning in a raging current of sin in this broken world. This rescue comes to us by God's grace alone, through faith alone, in Jesus Christ, the Son of God. At Grace, we are privileged to partner together with our Lord Jesus in the mission of grace through the church to the world.

Grace is a place where people care, and truth matters. We have multiple weekend services on Saturday and Sunday featuring a variety of musical styles. We teach the Bible and believe obedience to Christ in all things is our very best option.

Grace is large enough to have everything a family needs to enjoy life in community and delight in Christ. And Grace also thinks small, providing ways to engage with a few friends in life-to-life relationship. At the heart of everything is a commitment to teach the Bible carefully, correctly, lovingly and in ways that stir the mind and excite the heart.

Christmas is a great time to be at Grace with our beautifully decorated "family room" auditorium, the music of the season performed by our orchestra and praise bands and the joyful message that God has fulfilled His promise to send a Savior. Our Family Christmas Concerts are December 8 to December 10, but every weekend you'll find hundreds of Grace families gathered to sing, love, learn and share life together. Check us out - stay for the guest reception following each of our four services: Saturday at 5:30pm and 7:10pm, and Sunday at 9am and 10:45am. The preaching is the same in all services and, while the musical styles vary, everything is done with excellence to the glory of God.

At Grace, we recognize how important it is to build strong character in our children and students so they can stand fast against the storms of our broken world. We're excited to be shaping the next generations of men and women of character, according to the truth of God's Word. And while the reality of evil is all around us, we're certain Almighty God is the only refuge who can both protect us and provide for us, both in this life, and the life to come.
For concert tickets or to just find out more about Grace visit

Santa Clarita United Methodist
Santa Clarita United Methodist
Santa Clarita United Methodist Church
Pastor Melissa Roux MacKinnon

The people of The United Methodist Church are putting their faith in action by making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world, which is the church's mission. Through the power of connection, Santa Clarita United Methodist Church members are making a positive difference in more than 125 countries.

Santa Clarita United Methodist Church is a community that gathers together in worship, small groups and fellowship to nurture and empower each other in faith so we can go into the world as the love of God. The United Methodist Church is a part of the Christian religion, and its beliefs fall in line with the traditional, orthodox statements of the Apostles Creed. Parishioners work together so their lives reflect the core of United Methodist beliefs and tradition by making real the love of God that has been poured in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. At Santa Clarita United Methodist Church, they personally seek to welcome each visitor and help them get oriented to their surroundings as well as offer information on groups they might want to join.

Santa Clarita United Methodist Church has had the joy of serving this community since 1955. Over those years, they have developed a focus on music ministry for all ages; every age group has an opportunity to learn music and lead worship through music. But above all, they believe in building relationships that nurture and encourage each other in life's journey. Get to know them at upcoming events like the Advent Wreath Workshop on December 3; the Christmas Concert on December 10; Living Nativity on Saturday, December 16 and Sunday, December 17; Blue Christmas on Monday, December 18; Christmas Eve Services on Sunday, December 24 and more. The Advent Sermon Series begins December 3.
Santa Clarita United Methodist Church 297-3783
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