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What Moms & Faith Communities have in Common
by Michelle Andrews
In the children's book, "Are You My Mother?" by P.D. Eastman, a baby bird hatches while his mother has gone to find food for her imminent baby. When he realizes that he is alone in the nest, the baby goes off to find his mother. Along the way, he encounters a variety of characters and as he realizes that each is not his mother, he continues to search. At the end of the book the baby is returned, by a most unlikely character, to the nest where he is happily united with his mother.
This month we celebrate mothers. We are grateful for the moms and others who care for, nurture and love us. Many of us are who we are today because of their guidance. A community of faith offers nurturing through relationships with God and other people. Just as mothers so often put others before themselves, a community of faith does the same as we offer support in the midst of difficulty, celebrate each other's joys and work together to share God's love with each other, our community and the world. "Let all that you do be done in love." (1 Corinthians 16:14) Happy Mother's Day!
Michelle Andrews is the director of discipleship and care at Valencia United Methodist Church. umcv.org
"Shipwrecked, Rescued by Jesus!"
Teaches About God's Never-ending Love
by Esther Siegen
At Christ Lutheran Church, VBS is one of our favorite weeks of the year! Hundreds of preschoolers to sixth graders converge on our campus for an exciting week filled with learning about God's never-ending love for us! For those not quite ready to be on their own, we offer a "Parent/Tot" program, too. We love our volunteers and have opportunities for seventh grade on up. There's no age limit - we have a spot for everyone!
This year, "Shipwrecked, Rescued By Jesus!" will be the week of June 18 to 22. Kids will explore all the wonders of God's creation in this dynamic, hands-on program. Your child will have a blast learning about Jesus's love through songs, skits, crafts and games.
Beginning Sunday, May 6, we will have a registration table on the patio outside of church between services (8am, 9:30am or 10:45am.); online registration will begin on Monday, May 7.
Esther Siegen is the children's ministry director for Christ Lutheran Church. 259-0200
"Rolling River Rampage VBS"
Gives Kids the Ride of a Lifetime
Santa Clarita United Methodist Church presents "Rolling River Rampage" Vacation Bible School this July 23 to July 27 from 9am to 12:30pm - and you won't want to miss it! At RRR VBS, your preschool-to-fifth-grade students will discover an interactive, energizing, Bible-based program that will give them an opportunity to experience the ride of a lifetime with God. Students will participate in a variety of activities: making art projects, singing new music, exploring science, participating in recreational activities and enjoying tasty snacks. The cost is $40 when you take advantage of the early-bird special by paying before May 1 (includes t-shirt). Beginning May 2, the cost will be $45 (including shirt). After June 4, the cost is $45 but does not include a t-shirt. There is a 10-percent discount for siblings.
And don't miss their VBS kickoff at Summer Fun Fest, running from 11am to 2pm! There will be games, grub and lots of fun! To register, go to scumc.org/vbs.html.
Santa Clarita United Methodist Church 297-3783