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Clubs & Connection Set the Tone for a Faith-filled Fallby Nicole Reilley
Each year, fall brings new opportunities - not only to get back to school but also to grow in faith.
The NEW worship series at Valencia UMC is #life! It's called, "Let's get Real: Life isn't Always Rainbows and Unicorns."
At Valencia UMC, the fall means KidZone Clubs - formerly Pioneer Clubs - and Mom2Mom start again. These exciting community groups are open to families looking to connect to God and community in meaningful ways. Last year, 90 families participated in these life-changing groups.
Small groups begin again, too. Men's, women's, couples' and singles' groups welcome new participants who want to grow in faith through scripture and fellowship. Whether you are looking for a 6:30am Men's Bible Study or a Friday night couples' group, small groups change lives! Over 20 small group experiences are offered at Valencia UMC.
Fall is also back to worship with our series: "Let's Get Real, Life Isn't Always Rainbows and Unicorns." Each week we will be talking about happiness, self- acceptance, repairing broken relationships, letting go and speaking honestly. I am excited to share about how scripture connects in practical ways to our everyday life, and as the new pastor of Valencia UMC, I am excited to welcome you to this vibrant and community-oriented congregation.
Reverend Nicole Reilley is the pastor of Valencia United Methodist Church. umcv.org
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Holidays are a time to Celebrate Together
ROSH HASHANAH, as described in the Torah, is the anniversary of the creation of the world - and marks the beginning of 10 days of Teshuvah: a focus on repentance. It's celebrated with prayer, festive meals and family gatherings.
Congregation Beth Shalom invites you to take part in their spiritual services in the Conservative tradition. With programs for adults, families and children of every age, CBS is a welcoming congregation that is rooted in faith. Be a part of holiday events that are steeped in tradition - and then stay for the community you'll quickly call "home."
September 1
September 9 to September 11
Rosh Hashanah
September 18 & September 19
Yom Kippur
September 23 & September 24
October 1 & October 2
Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah
Congregation Beth Shalom cbs-scv.org
Calling All Choristers
Ever wanted to sing Mozart's "Requiem?" Now's your chance! Choristers are invited to rehearse for Santa Clarita United Methodist Church. Rehearsals are on Thursdays at 7:30pm beginning on August 23, with the performance on Sunday, November 4 at 7pm.
E-mail josh@scumc.org for more info.