Have Faith
April, 2019 - Issue #175
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The Master's University School of Music Presents
Annual Forest Lawn Concert Series

Featuring Requiem by Mozart, Polovtsian Dances by Borodin and Finlandia by Sibelius, this event, performed by the Master's University Singers and Orchestra, will be conducted by Paul T. Plew and Ben Mason. Free to the public and held April 17 and April 18 at 7:30pm at the Hall of the Crucifixion-Resurrection at Forest Lawn in Glendale, complimentary tickets can be secured online.

Wednesday | March 27
Congregation Beth Shalom Hosts An Evening
with Dr. Wolfson
At 7pm at Congregation Beth Shalom, enjoy a special evening as Dr. Wolfson discusses the principles of Relational Judaism. Dr. Wolfson is among the most preeminent contemporary American Jewish scholars and educators and a leading visionary of the synagogue of the future. As a prolific writer he has authored or co-authored more than 20 books. He pioneered the concept of "Relational Judaism" - a key tenant of Congregation Beth Shalom - and authored and co-authored two books on this subject. He currently serves as the Fingerhut Professor of Education at American Jewish University. Dr. Wolfson will be available after the presentation for a book signing and some of his books will be available for sale at the event. Admission is free; please RSVP.

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courtesy of Shutterstock

Saturday | April 13
Bethlehem SCV Egg Hunt

From 12pm to 2pm, with continuous hunts for toddlers through age 10, enjoy food, games, face painting and the Easter Bunny. Free - donations of canned foods will be accepted.

Saturday | April 13
Christ Lutheran Church Egg Hunt

From 10am to 11:30am, enjoy an egg hunt, coffee, snacks and the telling of the Easter story.

"Repent" for Lent by Elaine Cho
Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of Lent, seems like it happened only a few days ago! Time flies. We are now in the season of Lent, where Christians focus on simple living, fasting and prayer to go deeper with God. Lent is the 40 days before Easter, excluding Sundays - because every Sunday is like a little Easter!

40 days without counting Sundays makes about one-tenth of a year - like a tithe of time. Lent is a great opportunity to "repent" - to return to God and re-focus our lives to be more tuned with Jesus.

Ask yourself as we Wesleyans do: "How is it with your soul?" Join us if you need a place to pray, meditate, sing and celebrate Christ's resurrection with a community of faith. Easter is Jesus Christ's victory over death and the promise of eternal life for all who believe in Him.
Revered Elaine Cho is the senior pastor of Santa Clarita United Methodist Church. 297-3783

Ready for "Messy Church?"
Come experience Messy Church at Santa Clarita UMC! Messy Church is an innovative way to experience worship through activity, music and a family meal together. No matter who you are or where you are in your spiritual journey, you have a place at our table.

Messy Church is:
a form of church for children and adults that involves creativity, celebration and hospitality.
primarily for people who don't already belong to another form of church.
an experience that includes a long creative time to explore the Biblical theme by "getting messy" - a short celebration time involving story, prayer, song, games and a sit-down meal together at tables.
a model for good ways of growing as a family: a nuclear family, an extended family and a global and local church family.

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courtesy of Shutterstock

Getting to Know NorthPark
NorthPark Community Church is a thriving community of ordinary people from all backgrounds and life experiences. Together, they're committed to serving the Santa Clarita Valley through the power of the gospel so that others may come to know and follow Jesus. On Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday, they'll be exploring Jesus in The Gospel of Mark. The first gospel written about Jesus, The Gospel of Mark, addresses the most important question in our lives and fundamental questions at the core of Christianity. Join them as they explore the uniqueness of Jesus, his mission and its meaning for our lives. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, NorthPark welcomes you and has a place for you.

Exploring Faith by Nicole Reilley
Do you want a daring faith? A faith that can move mountains?
A faith that can move your life to its next level?

I know I do. I am finding that God continues to call us to take next steps in our faith and become willing to stretch beyond were we have been. We will be focusing on this together and you are invited. Join in as we explore: expecting the best, stretching our imagination, taking initiative, facing our fears and believing while we are waiting. Join us Sundays at 9am and 10:30am.

Join us Easter Sunday - April 21 - as we gather at 8:30am, 9:45am and 11am. We will celebrate the risen Christ with music, drama and an inspirational message. Easter is the highpoint of our year as we celebrate what God has done in Jesus and why he matters more than ever.
Reverend Nicole Reilley is lead/teaching pastor at Valencia United Methodist Church.
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