Have Faith
May, 2019 - Issue #176
A Plan for Positive Change
by Jay Siegel
Spring has arrived, and it is a time of change. Renewal, regrowth and rejuvenation permeate. Holidays like Easter and Passover arrive with their themes of redemption and rebirth. Spring break and spring cleaning are phrases that have become a part of our vernacular and arouse thoughts that something is coming. Spring is different.
For a number of reasons, spring, a 90-day period, is filled with positive attitudes and energy. It is time to take this moment in the year as a "spring" board for change and growth. It has been said that spiritual growth is directly proportional to ones willingness to inconvenience oneself. This inconvenience is a commitment to actively change. To often we pay lip service to change and make excuses, real or fantasy, which will prolong that change. Below is a clear plan of action to be taken over the course of the next three months to help realize a renewed positivity and rejuvenated attitude.
  1. Make a 90-day commitment to developing a more positive, excited and enthusiastic attitude.
  2. Take a few minutes every day and give yourself a pep talk about becoming a more positive, dynamic person.
  3. Take a moment to daydream about how great it is to be totally positive and how wonderful it is to be successful and happy.
  4. Add a positive attitude to your work environment.
  5. Don't say anything negative/critical about anyone for the next 30 days.
  6. Look for everyone's good qualities.
  7. Spend time each week reading a biography of a successful person you respect and admire.
  8. Make time to be with your family and have fun together.
  9. Start making a list of all the things you are thankful for; health, spouse, children, opportunity, etc.
  10. Every day, tell someone other than your family - that you love, appreciate and admire them.
Rabbi Jay Siegel of Congregation Beth Shalom. 254-2411

Seven Things we Know to be True
by Nicole Reilley
Several years ago, Valencia UMC created a values document called "This Is Us: Seven Things we Know to be True."
These statements share our values as a faith community.

1. All Means All: We are an inclusive community open and affirming of all people. Gay or straight, young or old, grew up in the faith or just trying it out. Everyone is welcomed and included.
2. Everyone has "Stuff" and that's Okay: We are regular people and all of us have a past, have struggles and are searching - it is part of the human condition and it's okay.
3. Your Story is Important: You and your story matter to God and matter to us. That is why small groups are a core value of ours. Currently, almost 300 people are in weekly small groups.
4. Families Come in All Shapes and Sizes: Single? Married? No Kids? Lots of Kids? Our families come in all shapes and sizes and we celebrate that diversity.
5. God's Love Changes Everything: God's love has changed us. We live more fully and as we have been loved, we have been freed to love. God's love does that.
6. The Bible has a Message for us Today: We gather weekly for worship where the scriptures give us life. We are excited to hear what God's Word has to say to us today and worship gives us insight on how we take what we learn into the world.
7. We are #hereforgood: Following Christ is about living as his people in the world - we were the lead church in bringing Family Promise to the Santa Clarita Valley. We continue to serve and make a difference in Christ's name.
Join us Sundays at 9am and 10:30am. Easter worship will be at 8:30am, 9:45am and 11am with children's activities at 9:45am and 11am.

Pastor Nicole Reilley of Valencia United Methodist Church.
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