Have Faith
July, 2019 - Issue #178
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The Portal is a Ministry of Love
Love is a verb that requires an action. It requires us to do something. Love can be expressed through an embrace, through words of kindness and through speech. John 3:16 reads: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Mark 12:31 says, "We should love without perimeters, without judgement, without conditions and without prejudices. Love should be given unconditionally, just as God loves us unconditionally." The second is this: "'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these."
We need love more than ever. There are some people that do not hear the words "I love you" often - or at all. We can change that. When you come through the doors of The Portal, you will feel loved. You will be greeted with a smile, you will be given a warm hug from Pastor T and your fellow worshipers. No one cares what your nationality is or who you choose to love. All are welcomed with love. When you leave The Portal you will feel completely loved and changed by the presence of God.
The Portal 818-441-1815

Summer Happenings at Valencia UMC
by Nicole Reilley

Summer is here, the kids are out of school and, hopefully, we all have a moment to enjoy! "Be Out There Sunday" - June 23 - is one of the days we gather as the church to serve the community. A short worship will start us off as go out into the town to make a difference. Join in this opportunity at 9am. July's focus is on prayer with our series, "Summer Psalms: Learning to Pray Like Jesus." Sundays we will explore these prayers of Jesus and Wednesday evenings we will gather with a dinner-church filled with food, prayer, communion and teaching around the Psalms. Everyone is welcome.
Valencia UMC is an inclusive church where all means all. No matter who you are, or where you have been, there is a place for you here - and online. Watch our livestream on YouTube!
Reverend Nicole Reilley is the lead/teaching pastor at Valencia United Methodist Church.

Families Welcome
by Kristi Smith

Santa Clarita United Methodist Church loves families, no matter how you define family. Come see what being part of our family is all about. No matter your age or interest you will find a place to belong. JAM Time (Jesus and Me) is a great place to begin - our nursery, preschool and elementary students have a great time learning about Jesus's love during worship at 9am and 11am on Sunday mornings.
Junior- and senior-high youth have wonderful plans for summer fun! Join us for Sunday-night barbeques, Monday beach trips and wonderful Wednesday activities that range from pool parties to exciting day trips around the Los Angeles area. There is always something going on.
Have you ever thought that traditional church is not for you? Come join us for our monthly Messy Church on June 23 from 5pm to 7pm. Messy Church is a form of church for children and adults that involves creativity, celebration and hospitality. This month's Messy Church will focus on the Miracles of Jesus. LaBak the Magician will be teaching us about Jesus's amazing miracles in a truly mysterious presentation.
This is just a brief glimpse of all the Santa Clarita United Methodist Church has to offer. From Bible studies to music groups and mission opportunities, to making new friends and family, SCUMC has something for you.
Associate Pastor Reverend Kristi Smith, director of family ministries of Santa Clarita United Methodist Church. 297-3783

Vacation Bible School "Mars & Beyond"
Santa Clarita UMC invites you to Mars and Beyond July 22 to July 26,
the first VBS to land on the moon! Come discover the wonders of God's universe and learn where God's power can take you. 297-3783

"ROAR: Life is Wild & God is Good"
Valencia United Methodist Church's VBS starts on June 30 - a full house
of fun for the kids as God's love is shared! 255-1301
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