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How The Portal Began by Pastor T
The Portal was birthed from an encounter that my sister Judith and I had in a service we were visiting. There was a young man who went up for prayer during alter call; he began exercising demons. Those around us who are familiar with our ministry had given us the nickname "demon busters," so the minister motioned us to come forward to help deliver the young man. We began expelling the demons; the young man was delivered within moments. The next night, a woman stood up to give her testimony of what she had witnessed during the experience. Overwhelmed, she began to share that when she saw us, two young women, deliver the young man from demonic activity, a portal opened over us - and there were three angels looking down from it. When the young man was delivered, the portal closed up. My sister and I were amazed at her story and "The Portal" ministry was birthed from that experience. The portal is only open for a window of time, but while it is open everyone has the opportunity to reach up and grab what they need - whether it is healing, salvation or deliverance.
The Portal 818-441-1815
"The Way" of Jesus by Nicole Reilley
One of the most exciting times in my faith was when I spent a summer studying all the teachings of Jesus. The more that I studied, the more I understood why the early followers of Jesus were called followers of the "the way." This way was unique and the more I understood, the more excited I was to give my life to living these teachings.
What is "the way" of Jesus? It is found in the scriptures and covers everything from who is in and who is out (And it isn't who you might think.), why resting matters to God (No 24/7 life.) and what repentance really means (And why it has nothing to do with guilt.). These teachings have changed my life and I believe they will change yours, too.
Join us for our new series, "Really? The Teachings of Jesus," and find out why following Jesus leads us to live our best life ever. Come Sundays at 9am or 10:30am. We have excellent programs for children and youth, as well as small groups and hands-on opportunities to make a difference in the community. No one belongs here more than you!
Reverend Nicole Reilley is the lead/teaching pastor of Valencia United Methodist Church. 255-1301
Getting to Know NorthPark's Six Core Values
NorthPark is a community of people changed by the gospel who are seeking to live gospel-centered lives.
We express this through our six Core Values:
1. Gospel-centered. The gospel is the message that we are saved from our sins by sheer, free grace through faith in the finished work of Christ. This gospel message of hope is both a body of truth and the power of God which grows, changes and affects every area of life when its implications are felt and thought out.
2. Growing in the Gospel. The gospel works in us through the Scripture and the Spirit to change our heart, thoughts, values and behaviors at every stage of life. We are committed to applying the gospel to our entire life to overcome our flaws and grow into Christ-likeness.
3. Serving Others. Jesus called us to serve others, putting their needs above our own.
4. Doing Life Together. We are committed to sharing our lives in smaller groups to learn Scripture, pray, care for one another and work together to love our neighbor.
5. Sharing the Gospel. Jesus entrusted us with taking the gospel to all people. We are committed to being missionaries in our home, neighborhood, work place, school and city.
6. Loving our City. Jesus commanded us to love our neighbor as our self, so we listen to the needs of our fellow citizens and loving them in tangible ways. We would love for you to join us!
NorthPark Community Church 296-6784
Thanks for the Car, Dad By Pat News
I was lucky enough to call the best dad in the world "Dad," or "John" or "Jack," depending on how much he was ignoring my pleas for him to take care of himself. He worried about his seven children every minute of every day and continues to take care of us, even though he died two years ago.
Some of my favorite memories with my dad are of road trips, so it shouldn't have been a surprise that my dad was ever present when I purchased a car just two months ago.
He would have been thrilled that I used "his" money to replace my trusty, but old, vehicle. When I called the bank to extend my credit limit in order to get miles on my card, John answered the phone. He proceeded to tell me about his father, John, who sold cars. John answered at the dealership and helped retrieve the name of the associate who referred me. "Say hi to Jack for me," was his parting sentence, as they previously worked together. Of course I did - and it felt like I was doing the same for my own "Jack," too. I hope my Dad likes the car he purchased. I will be sure to leave room for him so he can join us on our road adventures.
Pat News Health Care 799-7000