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What is your Gift or Purpose?
by Pastor T
Do you know what your purpose is while on this earth? Each and every one of us was born with a destiny and purpose. You may ask the question: How do I find out what my purpose or gift is?
Some individuals live their whole lives struggling and depressed because they feel unfulfilled; at one time, I was that person.
As a child I knew that I had a gift to sing like an angel and cook like a chef. My sense of fashion was always on point. Still, there came a time where I felt like I was lost. I felt like I had no purpose. I would awaken and immediately think about singing. I would look in the bathroom mirror and pretend that I was on stage, singing my heart out. Whenever I got the chance, I would sing in church. Each time I sang I felt free as a bird, but something was off.
I didn't find my life's purpose on this earth until I turned 50, when I became the pastor of prayer for a ministry. I was ordained shortly after. Yes, I have been in ministry for years as a prayer warrior, holding events and seminars to empower women to become their best selves, but that was not my life's destiny.
I have found my destiny and I have embraced my role as pastor of The Portal - a ministry that my sister Judith Ivana Owens envisioned. My sister passed away one year ago, but God has instructed me to continue on the path that was already predestined for me. The Portal is the place for those who have a gift of teaching, singing, playing an instrument or whatever that gifting is that drives you daily. You are welcome to use your gift at The Portal.
The Portal 606-9749
Be Part of What God is Doing in the SCV
by Nicole Reilley
"Be Out There Sunday" on June 23 was a huge success, with over 150 members and friends of Valencia United Methodist Church getting out into the community to make a difference! We put together packages for the military, made blankets for dogs, painted and cleaned at Bridge to Home and Single Mothers' Outreach. We got outside and planted a garden at Rio Vista Elementary and created a vegetable garden with Habitat for Humanity. With almost a dozen opportunities, all abilities and ages came together to make a difference in the Santa Clarita Valley!
Want to be part of what God is doing in SCV? We are an affirming congregation following the way of Jesus. If you are looking for a church where questions and discussion are valued, worship is prioritized and small groups live life together, join us! We gather each Sunday at 9am and 10:30am for worship, with children's and youth programs. This summer, join in Summer Psalms on Wednesday nights, going on now. There will be dinner, worship, Bible study and a chance to meet new people. Contact Pastor Michelle at mandrews@umcv.org for more information.
Want to connect online? Watch our Youtube channel! Plus, sermons are podcasted weekly.
Reverend Nicole Reilley is the lead/teaching pastor of Valencia United Methodist Church. umcv.org