Have Faith
September, 2019 - Issue #180
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A Back to School Prayer
We pray that our children, and all children, arrive home content and whole in body and mind at the end of each school day; that when our child has an opportunity to be kind, they take it; we pray that teachers, staff and administrators use their power to create positive, welcoming spaces where all children feel safe to learn; that every child goes to school and home with the full belly needed to focus on their studies, and if their parents can't afford it, they receive nutritious food from their campus and community; we pray that this year's curriculum inspires our children and all children to make their own special mark on the world; that we as adults provide the needed encouragement, care, resources and unconditional love every child needs to be their best selves.

New Opportunities to Connect at Christ Lutheran Church
by Esther Siegen

We at Christ Lutheran Church would love to invite you into a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ.

Christ Lutheran offers three services every Sunday morning; 8am, 9:30am and 11am, with nursery care for children 0 to 36 months provided at all three services.

Sunday School begins on August 25 and takes place during the 9:30am service for all ages, 2 years old through adult. We can't wait to see you there! Registration is open now and can be done in person on the patio between services or online at

Wednesday nights are Family Faith Nights here at Christ Lutheran Church and they start on September 4! Our Kitchen is open for tasty home-cooked meals from 5pm to 7pm at a reasonable price. Folks of all ages are invited to explore a variety of Bible studies at the 6pm hour or can stay in the Fellowship Center and just enjoy each other's company. The 6pm to 7pm Bible Study hour options include Nursery Care for newborns through 36 months; Pastors' Bible Study for adults; Young Family Bible Study for adults; age-appropriate Bible Study for kids 3 to third grade; Bible Study for 4th through 6th grade children that allows for a deeper look into the Bible and provides direction on how to apply it to their lives. Bible Study for junior-high students runs from 7pm to 8pm.
Esther Siegen is director of children's ministry for Christ Lutheran Church 259-0200

Which "Hard" will You Choose?
by Nicole Reilley

Much in life is a challenge. Work, kids, faith - these are just some of a long list of problems we all face. But here is the thing - too often we think having challenges isn't how it should be. Shouldn't life be more comfortable?

Here is what I learned: Life is hard, but you often get to pick your "hard." I was thinking this through with a friend. She is in a job where she isn't thrilled - but she is good at it and it has some real benefits. Her choice is to move into a new position where she'd have to push to get some things going and it would be uncertain and could fail. Both choices are hard - it is hard to stay when you aren't happy, but it is hard to go and begin again.
How does this relate to our faith? I believe we are given this one amazing life. How will we live it? Will we try to avoid hard things, thinking that hard things are too much for us? Or, will we recognize that life is full of hard things and that the challenge is to figure out which hard things we want to give our lives to? This is part of our lifelong journey.

What's not hard? Connecting! Join us on Sundays at 9am and 10:30am. Want to connect online? Watch our YouTube channel and podcast.
Reverend Nicole Reilley is the lead/teaching pastor at Valencia United Methodist Church. 255-1301
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