Have Faith
February, 2020 - Issue #185
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"We want to GET ALONG, but when you disagree with people on such important issues,
how do you make it work? The CHRISTIAN FAITH has a lot to say about relationships and has wisdom to share with us as we struggle with this critical issue."
But we don't See Eye to Eye
You may have noticed: We don't all agree. Whether the topic is gun control, global warming or the government, there are strong opposing positions.

Like many families, my family does not all agree. This past holiday season, these differences brought tensions to our interactions. We wanted to get along, but when you disagree with people on such important issues, how do you make it work?

The Christian faith has a lot to say about relationships and has wisdom to share with us as we struggle with this critical issue.

So, join us the first three Sundays in February as we explore this timely topic with our series, "But We Don't See Eye to Eye." We will study the wisdom of Romans 14 as we think through how we can love one another even when we don't agree. Join us at 9am and 10:30am or on our Livestream.

You are also invited to our February 23 Lenten Study Kick-off as we take on a 40-day challenge to read the entire New Testament. Find out more on our website.
Pastor Nicole Reilley of Valencia United Methodist Church.

We are Created to be our Unique Selves
within a Family of Faith

by Dave White

You are special. You are one of a kind. You are like no other. You are unique, beautiful and amazing.

More importantly, you are STRONG, with your own:
S = Strengths
T = Talents
R = Relationships
O = Opportunities
N = Needs
G = Gifts

"LOVE is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs."
1 Corinthians 13:4-5
Like a snowflake, like a fingerprint, you have your own DNA, your own look, your own temperament, personality, talents, gifts, IQ, EQ and more.

And yet despite your individuality, you weren't created to do life alone, by yourself, solo and solitary. We are created to be our unique selves within the context of a family of faith, a collective community, a diversified circle of love, a spiritual body!

In the apostle Paul's letter to believers in Corinth, he discussed this very topic (1 Corinthians 12:1-31). It's a great read; please check it out. In a nutshell, here's what he taught.

Like the physical body, the church body has many parts - but operates as one unit. All the parts are important - yes, even the little toe. All the parts are interdependent and need each other. The arm can't say to the leg, "I don't need you." And yet, best of all, all the parts - meaning all the people in a community - are held together dynamically and relationally by love. Yep, love!
It's February - the month of love. Let's all do our best to honor and respect one another and live a life of extravagant, gracious love!
Pastor Dave White of The Bridge.
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