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"AND ABOVE ALL THESE PUT ON LOVE, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God." Colossians 3:14-16 ESV
Valencia United Methodist Church 255-1301
Faith Challenged, Faith Strengthened
by Jack WinkleThe entire world is facing unprecedented challenges. Wars, famines and plagues have devastated us before, but this unseen enemy has us frustrated, as well. How real is the threat? Is this "cure" of locking down our lives worse than the disease? How long do we have to wear a mask? Will our lives ever get back to normal? We simply don't know.
Over the past six months, I've seen people's faith in God challenged. And, in most cases, that same faith has been strengthened. Calvary Chapel Golden Valley - and many other churches - have grown during this time, both in numbers and strength. We've realized, more than ever, we don't have as many answers as we thought we did. People are returning to - or finally finding - strength in the fact that we are not "The Master of my Fate" nor "The Captain of my Soul." But there is one who is just that - one who will supply your every need. He faithfully leads, we simply follow. We'd love to introduce you to Him. We meet online and in the church on Sunday mornings.
Jack Winkle is the lead pastor for Calvary Chapel Golden Valley
Worship does not End, it Just Changes Form
by Judy Barnes
For years, we at Christ Lutheran Church have ended every worship service by saying, "Our worship does not end, it just changes form." This past March, our worship changed form in ways we couldn't have imagined. The Covid-19 pandemic altered every aspect of our lives and, like many churches, CLC searched for ways to continue serving our congregation and community. We began a live stream worship service we call "CLC At Home" at 9:30am every Sunday morning on YouTube. If you can't watch the service live, the video is available on CLC's YouTube channel (youtube.com/clcscv). A new outdoor service - CLC Outdoors Community and Communion - has started on Sunday evenings at 6:30pm in the CLC parking lot. Be sure to bring a chair or blanket! Safety guidelines will be followed.
Judy Barnes is Director of Media and Communications of
Christ Lutheran Church. clcscv.org
Home should be Where we Feel at Peace
by Rabbi Jay Siegel
Our name, Congregation Beth Shalom, is a reminder of our mission and our purpose. We believe in the importance of coming together for spiritual and communal purposes. There is no doubt that now, more than ever, we benefit from finding our commonalities rather than our differences.
The word "Beth" in Hebrew means "house." We work hard to create a home at our synagogue. Most people will not remember what I said at my sermon, but they will remember how they felt at our synagogue. May we continue to consider the needs of others - that is what makes a home.
Many are familiar with the Hebrew word, "shalom." Often translated as "peace," the Hebrew word also means "wholeness" or "complete." In other words, when we feel fulfilled, are we not at peace? Congregation Beth Shalom is a daily reminder of the importance of coming together, creating home and ensuring that home is where we feel at peace.
See cbs-scv.org for the High Holy Day schedule.
Congregation Beth Shalom 254-2411