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We don't Know What the Future Holds
But we Know who Holds the Future
Everyone wants to tell us what to think - or not to think - about government, social issues, health issues and where things are heading. The one, reliable source for truth in our lives are the 66 books assembled together into what we call the Bible - written over a period of 1,500 years, in three different languages, by 40 different authors, who all agree on the nature of God and His purpose for us. It really is a reliable, trustworthy, accurate "Owners Manual" for our lives.
If last year's catch word was "unprecedented," this year's is "uncertain." Good news? Throughout God's Word, we have assurance of His hand on our lives. I love the phrase, "I may not know what the future holds, but I know who holds the future." Come worship with us, online or in person.
Jack Winkle is lead pastor of Calvary Chapel Golden Valley.
What does the Cross Mean for Us?
Ultimately, the cross is about transformation. The cross allows us to know God's love in a way that changes our lives, enabling us to live as examples of the freedom God gives through Jesus. Lent invites us to reflect on our lives and look to Jesus for the example of how we can experience the fullness that God intends. Many people give up something for Lent. What if, instead, you took on something as a way to live a life of faith more deeply and to better experience the fullness that God desires for you?
Valencia UMC invites you to join us for online Bible study and conversation beginning mid-February. Whether you are new to faith or have been a life-long Christian, you are welcome to journey through Lent with us.
Michelle Andrews is the associate pastor of Valencia United Methodist Church.
Be of Good Cheer! By Dave White
The world right now may be a more divisive, disturbing and dangerous place than you want. But there is still reason to be hopeful!
Jesus, during a very difficult time in history, on the very night he was betrayed and sentenced to die on a cross, shared very encouraging words to his disciples - recorded for us in John 16:33. He said, I have been candid and forthright in telling you about reality. So that, in a trusting personal relationship with me, you may have an unshakeable peace of heart and mind.
In this present fallen world - a world governed by a power-hungry, controlling elite ruling class - you will have trouble. It's going to be rough. Trials and troubles are inevitable. But take heart! You have nothing to fear. Don't despair. Stay courageous. Be brave. In fact, be of good cheer! The story is not over. I have overcome this corrupt world. Keep your head up. Hang in there. Stay close to family and friends. And stay close to me, my word and my people. We win in the end!
Pastor Dave White of The Bridge
Local Synagogue Does not Miss an Opportunity to Help by Penni Perrault
Congregation Beth Shalom has been supporting community projects for over 40 years. The members identify with the Jewish concept of "Tikkun Olam" - which is repairing the world through acts of kindness. In modern Jewish circles, Tikkun Olam has become synonymous with the notion of social action and social justice.
Congregation Beth Shalom continues to support several local non-profits including Family Promise, that provide food, shelter and support services for families. Families are temporarily housed at the Synagogue - not during Covid - and given meals and support. Members have also been supporting SOVA for over 25 years, which provides groceries for families monthly and connects people to resources on housing, homelessness, legal matters and more. Members also support Bridge to Home by providing daily meals to clients. The shelter is open 365 days a year and has serviced over 1,000 individuals last year.
Due to the pandemic, the need for resources for local citizens has exponentially grown. Congregation Beth Shalom will continue to step up to address these needs. We are all responsible to right injustice. "Silence," goes the Talmudic edict, " is consent."
Congregation Beth Shalom 254-2411