Have Faith
August, 2021 - Issue #202
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Is there Anything too Hard for God?
by Jack Winkle
We can all take comfort and find assurance in Biblical verses like this one: "Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me?" (Jeremiah 32:27)
If you believe in the God of the Bible, the One who created and sustains the entire universe - including each one of us - a better question is this: "Is there anything hard for Me?"
God spoke all things into existence. From nothing - into everything. Whatever we face, whatever comes against us, God is able to deliver us from evil, uphold us in times of trial, strengthen us when we are weak and lead us into His grace and peace.
Never put limits on what you believe God can do. He is able to lead us, provide for us and protect us - from anything. Trust Him. He will not let you fall. He will never leave you.
Relax. He's got this, no matter what "this" is.
Come see us. We teach the Bible, not opinion. Chapter by chapter, book by book. The whole counsel of God.
Pastor Jack Winkle of Calvary Chapel Golden Valley 523-2248

An Invitation to Experience God's Goodness
by Michelle Andrews
There are several times each year that feel like beginnings and often those times have specific actions associated with them. In January, we begin new calendars, set goals or adopt resolutions. In late-summer when school is about to begin, we shop for clothes and school supplies, move our college kids to campus and re-establish routines. Our busy days can seem to run into each other. New things are helpful in slowing us down enough to appreciate the gift of each day. As people of faith, every day is an invitation to experience God's goodness and an opportunity to take a step toward a deeper relationship with God. If you are looking to start, or re-start, your faith we invite you to take a new step and join us for worship in-person and online. We welcome all people at all stages of faith. We believe that our faith is best lived out in community, with others to encourage us and to join us in the journey.
Michelle Andrews is the associate pastor of
Valencia United Methodist Church 255-1301

A Great Year is to Come
by Jay Siegel
As the Jewish New Year approaches, we reflect on the year that has passed. We look forward and consider what we will add to next year. During this time, we eat sweet foods, representing the hope and prayer for a sweet new year. The following story always comes to mind.
A young boy was holding two apples. His mother came in and asked him with a smile: "My sweetie, could you give your mom one of your two apples?" The boy looked up at his mom, then took a bite on one apple, and then quickly on the other. The mom felt the smile on her face freeze. She tried hard not to reveal her disappointment. Then the little boy handed one of his bitten apples to his mom and said: "Mommy, here you are. This is the sweeter one."
Sometimes we think we know the minds of others, we believe our experience affords us accurate discernment and we are confident we know the story. What do we really know? We often make assumptions. This new year, what if we judged everyone favorably, what if we focused on the sweetness of life and the beauty of others? What if we wrote a new story? How we respond to these questions will determine the sweetness of our new year. Wishing you all a sweet, healthy and joyful new year!
Jay Siegel is the rabbi of Congregation Beth Shalom.
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