Have Faith
September, 2021 - Issue #203
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Thankful for Life by Jack Winkle
I just got off the phone with a dear friend who recently vacationed in a foreign country and is now back in the US - but in the hospital. A family vacation became a life-threatening medical nightmare, but thankfully he is now recovering and should be home soon.
This friend and I talked about our gratitude for the wonderful lives we have - the same lives we often take for granted. All around, we see so many people who have lost so much - or never had much in the first place. Too often we lose sight of the good when chaos and tragedy come at us unexpectedly. He has a wonderful family and he nearly left them far too soon.
One of my favorite scriptures comes to mind, as I realize this: My friend nearly died. "But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses (or nearly dead physically!), made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved." Ephesians 2:4-5 We have been saved; spared from so much. Remember to be thankful...
for life!
Jack Winkle is pastor of Calvary Chapel Golden Valley.

Is it Time to Jump Start your Life? by Michelle Andrews
For many, September means Back to School. Growing up, our household was split as September approached. My brother would have preferred that summer not ever end. I, on the other hand, couldn't wait to meet my teacher and start to learn new things. The start of the school year meant a chance to jump start learning - to remember what I had already learned, and to get ready to learn new things.
Have you ever considered a jump start for your faith? Whether you have an active faith life, have not had much involvement with a church for some time or haven't ever really practiced a faith, we can all use some intentional renewal and learning. Life is difficult sometimes. We all face trials, quarrels and troubles, but we don't always know how to handle them or how our faith can help us. Join Valencia UMC as we spend several weeks learning how to jump start our life, joy and faith, even when hard times come. God's love and grace create an open door for us to walk through. Come walk through the door with us - we are a community of faith that welcomes all.
Michelle Andrews is the associate pastor of Valencia United Methodist Church.

God Opposes Truth Suppression by Dave White
God loves truth-seekers! Not people who have self-promoting agendas. Consequently, God can't be happy with our nation right now. The Bible teaches that suppression of the truth triggers the displeasure, retribution and righteous wrath of God.
Unlike us, God does not lose his temper, fly into a rage or boil over with vindictiveness. But his wrath is a settled hostility and perfectly appropriate antagonism to evil.
Sadly, what is happening in Washington DC today is not much different from what was happening in the capital city of Rome in the first century. Truth was trashed. Common sense was destroyed. Tyrannical wokeness reigned.
The apostle Paul wrote, "The wrath of God is being revealed and shown from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people (in other words, all the selfish, deceptive talking points of liars), who suppress the truth and crush reality by their wickedness" (Romans 1:18).
Be a truth-seeker! And join other Bible-believing "truth-lovers" who reject the manufactured facts our leaders are spinning, the false narratives peddled by the media and the censoring of reality from godless Big Tech.
Dr. Dave White is pastor of The Bridge.
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