Have Faith
October, 2021 - Issue #204
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A Truly Wise Takeaway
Judge Everyone in a Pleasant Manner

by Jay Siegel
A wise person said: Whenever I find myself judging others by my own standards, I am reminded of my grandmother's cow.
Every week at the conclusion of the Holy Sabbath, the family cow tethered in my grandmother's yard received a special treat: the pan of water in which the Shabbath pots and dishes had been rinsed. With traces of my grandmother's wonderful food, this was no ordinary pan of dishwater and was eagerly awaited each week by our cow.
One week, it happened that my grandmother forgot about the cow and spilled out the dishwater. The cow received a pan of ordinary water from the well.
"What a selfish woman my mistress is," thought the cow, "drinking that delicious after-Shabbat water herself!"
You never know the whole story of another persons' life. In fact, we often fill in the blanks and add to a story that we do not even know is true. Now, more than ever, let us spend our time and energy judging everyone in a pleasant manner.
Jay Siegel is the rabbi of Congregation Beth Shalom.

Wake up! Resist Wokeness!
by Dave White
We need to wake up from wokeness. It's a dragon that needs to be slain! I don't like meddling in politics as a pastor, but this is not about politics. "Wokeness" is a deceptive alternative religion, a bogus counterfeit deity and dangerous substitute god - completely contrary to Christian love, forgiveness and unity.
As a follower of Christ, we are not simply to contend for the truth (Jude 3), but we are to actually oppose lies (Titus 1:9). We are to reject woke and worthless philosophies contrary to Christ (Colossians 2:8) and to demolish godless arguments and every P.C. pretention that sets itself up against the truth of God as revealed in Scripture (2 Corinthians 10:5).
Wokeness is dragon driven by radical ideologies of Marxism, paganism and racism. It has no place in our schools, business, sports or churches.
Wokeness has hijacked Biblical views of identity, diversity and justice with perverted, twisted views of oppression, race and social justice.
Don't be conned, duped, snowed and bamboozled by the poisonous principles, heinous heresies and loathsome lies spewed by these god-haters. Wake up! And join me on Sundays in slaying this destructive dragon!
Dave White, PhD is pastor of The Bridge.

Not About Politics
by Jack Winkle
Church is not about politics. Our political leanings should never influence our faith or the practice of that faith. But our faith should definitely influence our politics. God is not someone we visit at church on Sunday mornings. He is intrinsically woven through every aspect of life. It's not my place to tell anyone for whom they should vote, or on what side of civil and moral issues we align ourselves. There are some issues that, for a Christian, are clear regardless of your political affiliation. The world often chooses to go in another direction, flying in the face of God's clear direction on how best to live our lives - lives He gave us in the first place.
I'm not even sure where we go from here, other than the clear affirmation of Joshua 24:15, "...Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve... But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." And also in Joshua 1:9, We are to be strong... and courageous. "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." We need to stand firm.
Pray - often. Pray for our country, our leaders and the people of our nation and our community. And join us - online or in person - as we read through His teaching, growing in the knowledge and grace of His love.
Jack Winkle is the lead pastor of Calvary Chapel Golden Valley.
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