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Need Hope? Join the Sunday Study in Revelation
by Dave White
I love the Bible. I'm particularly encouraged by its final book, Revelation. This amazing letter is filled with profound mysteries, visual symbolism, colorful language, intriguing visions and powerful predictions.
If you enjoyed the movie, "Lord of the Rings," you'll love this letter even more. It's filled with epic battles, seemingly-unbeatable foes, culminating in the ultimate triumph of good over evil - and finally the jubilant return of the long-awaited king. So awesome!
I find this book incredibly uplifting and timely given the wacky world we're currently living in. God gave the apostle John this final vision of victory and hope to pass on to His discouraged faithful followers who were having a hard time with the mandates, censoring and persecutions from the anti-Christian Roman Government. In fact, Revelation is a timeless book to encourage Christians everywhere. God guarantees we win in the end. God defeats Satan. The lamb conquers the dragon. And, yes, love wins over hate.
I invite you to come join us any Sunday morning at 10am at The Bridge for inspiring teaching on God's unfolding Revelation and plan for us all!
Dave White, PhD, is pastor of The Bridge.
What the Church Needs Now
by Jack Winkle
Like all of us, the church - Biblically defined as the people who believe in Jesus as their Savior and Lord of their lives - has been affected by the events of the past two years. The good news is that the church - I'm not talking about the building! - continues to grow. With that growth, there are needs within the collection of believers we commonly call the local church.
The primary need of the church is people with hearts surrendered to God, filled with His love and empowered by the Spirit. Humility and gratitude are not common attributes in our world today, but they abound in a healthy, Bible-teaching church. It is truly a paradox that we have complete peace, even joy in our lives, when we have a broken spirit and a contrite heart.
True peace and abundant living come from the realization that God has a master plan for our lives and if we follow His lead, we'll have the reassurance that the trust we have in Him is well-placed.
Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up. As Paul wrote to the believers in Thessalonica, "Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. In everything, give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus."
Jack Winkle is lead pastor of Calvary Chapel Golden Valley.
How to Increase Joy
by Jay Siegel
Traditionally, this is one of the best times of year. Throughout the world, Jewish people are instructed to increase joy during this period. It's as though with the anticipation of spring and its call for rebirth, we prepare by looking at the current world through the lens of joy.
We choose to see the world through joy.
A story is told that two students went to the Maggid of Mezritch to learn how it is possible to praise God for misfortune with the same joy as one praises God for good fortune.
The Maggid told the students to go ask Rabbi Zusya, who lived in poverty and suffered from severe physical ailments. The student asked Rabbi Zusya, but he was puzzled: "I don't understand why the Maggid sent you to me. I have never experienced anything bad in my life. Only good things have happened to me. In the end, it is up to each of us to decide how we experience the world. You choose."
Rabbi Jay Siegel of Congregation Beth Shalom.