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One of my favorite passages in the Bible is found in Chapter 17 of the Apostle John's account of Jesus' life and ministry on Earth, where Jesus prays for His disciples, all who call Him Lord. He is interceding on our behalf before His Father in Heaven.
This was the night before His crucifixion. He knew what was coming. He saw the cross ahead, but He was looking beyond the cross because He saw that what He was willing to endure would save us.
When you watch the depiction of Jesus' scourging and crucifixion in "The Passion Of The Christ," the appropriate response is that of a good friend of mine: "He did that for me." The nails didn't hold Him on the cross, His love for us held Him there, because there was and is no other way, no other name by which we can be saved. He went to the cross for the joy set before Him. That joy was your salvation. Mine, too. "He did that for you... and for me." Praise God, He loved us enough to give His life for our sorry souls. Amazing love. Amazing grace, that saved a wretch like me.
Jack Winkle is pastor of Calvary Chapel Golden Valley.