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Currently, at our church, we're going through Luke's detailed account of the life and ministry of Jesus. Every step of the way, the Pharisees, Sadducees and other religious leaders threw challenges at Jesus. Most of them were frivolous, trick questions designed to catch Jesus saying something either the Roman authorities or even His followers would find offensive. Jesus' answers were - without exception - brilliant and His adversaries were left speechless.
Don't you wish you could answer people's challenges to your faith the way Jesus did in all situations?
The more you're familiar with scripture, the more you can use His wisdom to address the "slings and arrows" put forth by those who merely want to challenge you - rather than earnestly look for answers - and dismiss their arguments rather than wasting everyone's time.
Make no mistake - we as Christians need to be ready to address questions from those truly seeking answers. We're living in a world that increasingly needs Him and the grace, mercy and goodness He brings.
Live your life for Him. People will notice. When you get the chance, tell them the reason you have hope... and peace that passes understanding... even in today's world.
Jack Winkle is pastor of Calvary Chapel Golden Valley.