Have Faith
December, 2022 - Issue #216
The Stories of Christmas by Andy Mattick
Christmases the world over feature stories: stories of family traditions, stories of new firsts, stories of lost lives and loves.
Beginning November 13 and running through Christmas, Valencia UMC will be sharing the stories of Christmas - how God is telling a story of love and inclusion in the birth of Jesus.
We have a saying: Your story is important.
We want you to see your story in the Christmas story, as well.
Join us for worship throughout the Christmas season at 9am for choir and hymns or 10:30am for praise songs and band. Our stories all come together in the best story that the church tells on Christmas Eve. It is good news of great joy for all the earth. Come and hear - come and share.
Christmas falls on a Sunday this year. VUMC will offer a streamed service for use in your home and also a family-friendly in-person worship service at 1pm if you are looking to connect. We will follow the same pattern for Sunday, January 1, 2023. Merry Christmas and God's richest blessing.
Reverend Andy Mattick is the lead pastor of Valencia United Methodist Church.

At Christ Lutheran, You're Family by Sarah Scopio
A wonderful thing happens when you start attending Christ Lutheran Church: You'll come here to get closer to Jesus or to learn more about God and you'll end up finding family.
We desire to guide people into growing union with Christ. Each Sunday you will leave with a greater confidence in Christ and a desire to return the following week to worship, learn and grow.
Join us for weekly Sunday services at 8:30am and 10am, with Sunday School offered at the 10am service. In addition to Sunday School, we have small group ministries for the whole family including junior high Confirmation classes, high school ministry and adult bible studies for men, women and couples.
Come to one of our Christmas Eve services at 5pm, 7pm and 9pm or a Christmas Day worship service at 10am.
Life at Christ Lutheran is rich, abundant and blessed. After all, we're family here. Come join us!
Sarah Scopio is the Director of Communications at Christ Lutheran Church.

Hope for the Holidays by Dave White
If life is getting you down, here's some hope for the holidays, some beliefs from the Bible, some courage for Christmas! Enjoy these truths. Look up these verses. And know that no matter how difficult things get with politics, Covid, the recession or the inevitable storms of life, there is always hope in God.

God's Word teaches...
Hope deferred makes us sick. Proverbs 13:12
Don't put your hope in wealth. 1 Timothy 6:17
God has a plan, hope and future for us. Jeremiah 29:11
God's Word gives us tangible hope. Romans 15:4
God Himself gives us hope. Psalm 62:5
Our souls get downcast without God. Psalm 42:5

Where should we place our hope?
In God (Ps.39:7, 65:5, Jer.14:22)
In Christ (1 Cor.15:19, 1 Tim.1:1)
In His name (Psalms 52:9, Matt.12:2)
In His resurrection (Acts 23:6)
In His return - called our blessed hope (Titus.2:13, Rom.8:24-25)
In His glory (Romans 5:2, Col.1:27)
In Eternal Life (Titus 1:2)

Keep hoping!
Hope when you don't like life. Job 13:15
Hope in the midst of disaster and evil. Jeremiah 17:17
Hope in God all day long. Psalm 25:5
Hope in God continually. Psalm 71:14
Merry Christmas!
Worship with Pastor Dave White at The Bridge every Sunday at 10am at 25520 Avenue Stanford #308 in Valencia.
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