Have Faith
Be a Referee & Make the Call
November, 2023 - Issue #225
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You don't need to be a referee to know that life is about choices. Choices make you and break you! Destiny is about decisions, not conditions. You can't grow, mature, develop or make progress without making decisions. In a complex world filled with options, adulthood is about making the call, decisively and emphatically!
Knowing is not enough. Praying is not enough. You must take action! Your life changes the moment you make a decisive decision - a clear, courageous, committed decision. Your life plateaus, stalls and declines the moment you abdicate governing and passively make no decision.
Life never favors the wishy-washy - the hesitant and halting, the tentative, faltering and wavering! Providence never blesses the fence-sitter, the straddler, the weak-kneed.
Like Elijah, don't hesitate between options (1 Kings 18:21). Like Joshua, choose this day whom you will serve (Joshua 24:15) Like Jesus, let your "yes" be "yes," and your "no" be "no." (Matthew 5:37)
As an NCAA referee and a pastor for the past several decades, I can tell you my primary job is "making the call": deciding and determining. adjudicating and arbitrating, officiating, settling, mediating, ruling. There are times in life when we all need to be referees. Like it or not, stripes or no stripes, whistle or no whistle, we all have to make judgments, decisions and calls. Today, I encourage you to make the call for God. Choose Jesus. Find a church. Read His Word and enjoy His people.
Dave White is pastor at The Bridge.
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