Have Faith...
Getting to Know Santa Clarita's Churches
December, 2008 - Issue #50
Pastors Les and Brenda Robinson
Pastors Les and Brenda Robinson
Burning Bush Church

Philosophy... We are a multicultural, non-denominational ministry committed to reaching, teaching and equipping people with the full counsel of God's Word in the spirit of love. We encourage everyone to live lives that would demonstrate God's love to the world.

What's special... The Burning Bush Church is a place of personal truth, discovery and affirmation. The presence and power of God is here to speak to, comfort and challenge us to live lives of significance. The sermons are accurate, simplistic and inspiring. Our goal is to help people understand who they are and the benefits of establishing a relationship with Christ.

Recent sermon... "Jehovah Jireh - The Lord will Provide" - a message of encouragement to reassure the Christian that God has promised to provide for those who will worship and serve Him wholeheartedly, regardless of the economic challenges they face.

The Bible is... God's instruction manual for life. Just as a manufacturer provides an instruction manual for his product to ensure proper usage and customer satisfaction, God has provided us with an instruction manual - "The Bible" - to ensure our success in life.
Services are held at 10 a.m. on Sundays. Burning Bush Church is located at Meadows Elementary School, 25577 Fedala Road in Valencia 297-BUSH (2874)

Centre Pointe Church and Antioch Music/Arts Outreach
Community church

Their motto... To make space for grace to happen by opening our hearts and lives to people with authentic love and compassion. Though we hope and avidly pray that all come to Christ, we're committed to loving others fully without a "conversion" agenda behind what we do. We believe that as we worship Christ fully and love others, Jesus will draw people naturally to Himself.

What's special... Antioch Coffeehouse Outreach is our primary ministry, supporting Christian musicians, artists, indie-film makers, writers and the creative community and providing a creative and clean atmosphere for community-conversation-connection to occur spontaneously between Christians and others. This ministry is welcoming to all with a focus upon young adult and college-age people. It "happens" creatively, randomly, and spontaneously every Friday Night in Newhall at 7 p.m. in the Yellow Victorian Building.

Recent sermon... "Heaven is Important but it's Not the End of the World: Startling Things the Bible Teaches about the Afterlife." The paradigm shifting, Sunday-school mind-frame blowing reality of post-death resurrection of life is revealed!

The Bible is... The written and audible voice of our authority in living and loving, who is Jesus Christ.
Services are held at 10 a.m. on Sundays. Centre Pointe Church is located at 24422 Chestnut Street in Newhall, adjacent to the Egg Plantation 287-6151

Pastors Javier and Shannan Labrador
Pastors Javier and Shannan Labrador
Frontline Community Church

Their mission... To reach those far from Christ and grow people into full devotion to Him. We are still becoming who God has called us to be, but we are doing so with relevance, authenticity and purpose. Frontline exists to love God and love people, to break religious barriers, and to connect, equip, awaken and transform hearts and lives.

Recent sermon... "Why-Fi" - We asked people to submit burning questions regarding faith, culture, relationships, sex and anything in between. During the service people could text other questions to a phone on stage and get it answered live. The three top questions were: Is it OK for Christians to drink alcohol? How can I be a follower of Christ and still enjoy culture? What is sexual sin?

Ministry groups include... Homefront Lifegroups; Thirty-One, the Women's Ministry of Frontline; Frontline Youth; Reverb Junior High Youth; Frontline U, classes to help grow one's walk with God; kids classes for 3 year olds and up.

The Bible is... The Bible is alive, powerful and life-changing. It brings truth, hope, love, freedom and peace no matter who you are or what you face.
Services are held at 10 a.m. on Sundays. Frontline Community Church is located at Legacy Academy, 27680 Dickason Drive in Valencia 513-0240.

Senior Pastor David White, Ph. D. and family
Senior Pastor David White, Ph. D. and family
NorthPark Community Church

What's special... We're a family of everyday, ordinary folks who love God and who love people. We're proud of our heritage as a Christ-centered, Bible-believing and relationship-focused church. We seek to honor God and have a blast in all we do.

Recent sermon... "Couples CPR: Breathing Life into your most Important Relationships"

The Bible is... The Bible is God's Word to us. It was written by human authors who were supernaturally guided by the Holy Spirit. Because they were uniquely inspired by God, they wrote without error. The Bible is complete as a revelation of God's will for salvation and is the supreme authority for all matters of faith and life. God's Word is our compass and blueprint for life. We think it's inspiring, challenging, practical, relevant and pretty cool.

Ministry groups include... Men's Ministry includes sports, socials and outdoor adventures; Women's Ministry includes social groups, dinner nights, retreats and care ministries; Children's Ministry includes Sunday school, VBS and Awana programs; Student Ministry includes youth mission trips, summer camps, socials and more; 50+ Group for "seasoned" adults includes mentor opportunities, service projects, dinners and more.
Services are held at 8 a.m., 9 a.m., 10:30 a.m. and 12 p.m. on Sundays. NorthPark Community Church is located at 26860 Seco Canyon Road Santa Clarita 296-6784

Lead Pastor Jeff Noe and family
Lead Pastor Jeff Noe and family
Oak Hill Bible Church
Non-denominational evangelical church

Their motto..."Contending earnestly for the faith handed down to us" (from Jude 3). We see our purpose wrapped in the historical flow of those faithful Christians who have gone before us in previous generations. We want to carry the baton of the Reformation by returning the church to her one and only standard, the Word of God. We strive to be a vibrant and warm church family that places a high value on preaching and teaching, prayer, fellowship, outreach, and family ministries - all done with an eye on Christ, not on the culture around us.

The Bible is...the inspired Word of God, the complete revelation of His will for those whom He saves, and the authority for all Christian faith and practice.

Outreach and ministry groups include... "Lifeline," a youth ministry that focuses on equipping youth to live out their faith; "Acorns," a children's ministry; and Men's Ministry and Women's Ministry, made up of small groups for Bible study, accountability and relationship connections. Outreach includes a missionary family in Chile and assistance to the Santa Clarita Valley Pregancy Center and Children's Hunger Fund.
Services are held at 4 p.m. on Sundays. Oak Hill Bible Church is located at 28355 Sloan Canyon Road in Castaic 312-3062

Pastor Marlon Saunders and family
Pastor Marlon Saunders and family
Valencia Christian Center

Philosophy... To provide encouragement and hope through the comfort and love of God's Word. The "personality" of our church is one in which everyone who comes around is welcomed like family, accepted for who they are, and made to feel genuinely loved, supported, and cared for.

Recent sermon... "How to be Content" - despite life's unexpected twists, despite things not being what you had hoped or even planned for, you can still be content. You can still have joy.

What's special... In addition to the music and teaching being incredibly unique and leaving people feeling uplifted, motivated, strengthened and encouraged, VCC is special because of reports from parents. Children just can't stop talking about how awesome Children's Church is on Sundays. The children remember the lessons all week long!

Ministry groups include... Children's Ministry; Youth Ministry; Young Adult Ministry; Singles' Ministry; Women's Ministry; Men's Ministry; Event Planners Ministry; Community Outreach; and Bereavement/Grief Counseling.

The Bible is...God's Word to man regarding how much He loves and cares for us and the relationship He desires to have with us.
Valencia Christian Center services are held on Sundays at 10 a.m. at Pico Canyon Elementary School, 25255 Pico Canyon Road in Stevenson Ranch. Call for location of 7 p.m. Wednesday services 977-4100.
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