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A fox passed a fenced vineyard. As the fox circled around the fence, he found a small hole, large enough for him to push his head through.
A Truly Wise Takeaway - to Judge Everyone in a Pleasant Manner
For many, September means Back to School. Growing up, our household was split as September approached. My brother would have preferred that summer not ever end. I, on the other hand, couldn't wait to meet my teacher and start to learn new things. The start of the school year meant a chance to jump start learning - to remember what I had already learned, and to get ready to learn new things.
There are several times each year that feel like beginnings and often those times have specific actions associated with them. In January, we begin new calendars, set goals or adopt resolutions. In late-summer when school is about to begin, we shop for clothes and school supplies, move our college kids to campus and re-establish routines.
A group of people were traveling in a boat. One of them took a drill and began to drill a hole beneath himself...
Truth, Celebration, Simplicity - and the Key...
As we are seeing life begin to open up again, we would do well to remember what was lost over the past year. We should make every effort to encourage ourselves and others to "do good" to and for one another - to do things that benefit our friends, family and loved ones and to appreciate things that were taken from us.
More than 2,000 years later, what God did for us makes a difference in how we live and love - and how we face challenges.
A Look at What the Future Holds
What are you doing today to increase unity, togetherness and harmony into the world?
Christmas will be here soon. Are you ready? Not the decorating, shopping, cooking and obligatory trips to the post office to mail gifts. Are you ready for what this season means?
Celebrating the Unchanging Love that God has for All of Us
Over the past six months, we've seen people's faith in God challenged. And, in most cases, that same faith has been strengthened.
The Gift of Educators & Special Needs Services
Find Encouragement & Sustenance through the Hard Times
Be Present Today, Find Strength for Tomorrow
Each of us is finding our way in this time of change and challenge. How are you holding up? What is getting you through?
These are extraordinary times. We are asked to distance ourselves at a time when we have never been more in need of physical embrace. During this time of year, we look forward to spending time together - celebrating, appreciating spring, enjoying the school year and observing holidays.
The season of spring reminds us of great changes that are beyond our control. The weather changes, flowers bloom and we enjoy more sunlight. At this time of year, many religious traditions mark these changes with holidays that celebrate birth and rebirth, creation, renewal and excitement about what is to come.
Read the New Testament with your church community - you'll make more progress!
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