Choices are easier when they're made with God in mind.
Being a good father is hard work. It involves making a commitment of time, energy and enthusiasm for their children, regardless of their age. Those of us who have fathers, step-fathers and others who take on the role of father are blessed by their comforting presence and active engagement.
Moms and faith have a lot in common.
He has risen! Easter celebrations galore.
When times are tough and questions abound, faith gets you through.
So many songs tell us about love: what it is, whether it is a sweet blessing or a painful curse.
How to be closer to God in 2018.
Get to know local pastors - and don't miss these Christmas events!
Be grateful - and find your joy - this Thanksgiving season.
Need a "faith" boost? Don't miss this piece.
"Back to school" means more time with the Bible.
When "Let go and let God" isn't enough.
One definition of freedom implies a lack of constraint, coercion or boundary in our decisions, choices and actions. But how free are we? We speak of humanity having free will: the power of self-determination. After all, we may be free to determine our own actions, but we are not free from the repercussion and the effects our choices have in our lives and in our world.
This Christian Contemporary music concert is going to rock!
You'll always be her baby! A new way to think about the adult child/mother relationship.
Good Friday events, sunrise services and more Easter celebrations.
When in doubt, choose rest.
More than romantic love, "Godly love" conquers all.
A faithful reflection on the New Year.
Our annual "Meet the Pastor" feature - plus upcoming Christmas concerts.