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A reflection on losing a father and gaining perspective.
How the Bible can help us manage our fears and anxieties.
There's always something new to learn about your faith.
A first-hand account of a midwife's trip to Haiti.
Our Biblical history is fraught with examples of how the free will of the people was a gift.
He has risen - and a special Easter celebration.
Have you ever had the unpleasant experience of being around someone who was "hangry" - that unpleasant emotional state caused by hunger? The solution to the problem is simple. Food. Food provides fuel and energy for our bodies. It is amazing how quickly a snack or meal can return a hangry person to their normal, happy selves.
Valentine's Day, the day when we are encouraged to show our love to the special people in our lives, is just around the corner.
What God wants for you in the New Year.
What makes Valencia United Methodist Church different - and special.
Gather with others and walk together with the Lord.
When the going gets rough, the rough turn to God.
Sharing His word through our Have Faith feature is the most rewarding part of publishing. We're grateful for the relationships we've built with our pastors and congregations and we're looking forward to the next 10 years of sharing messages of faith and hope!
What Dad means to us - and how he guides our faith.
Being a mom doesn't mean you need to be perfect.
Whether you're dealing with anger, bitterness, depression, financial worry, marriage problems, anxiety, child-rearing issues or any other emotional malady, the common refrain you may hear goes something like this: "You should talk about it with a trusted counselor."
Happy Easter! Here's where to celebrate the Good News!
Faith - find it, cultivate it, use it.
"What love's got to do with it" - everything!
Meet local pastors and find Christmas services that are a perfect fit.
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