A look at some local events and some practical ways to renew and revitalize your faith.
An in-depth look at two local churches, what scripture says about holiday spending and a living pageant exploring the life of Jesus.
Serve Others
"We live in such a 'me'-focused society; our children don't see beyond themselves. This summer can be about putting our faith into action. The best way to live out the Bible is to serve others. Become aware of what others need. Social justice is very important to God.
Local Pastors share some of their favorite verses for inspiration...
Sometimes it's a struggle to get kids excited about going to church. And how do we know that they're really "taking the message in" once we get them there? The answer is all at once easy and difficult. Like so many other parenting matters, it comes down to "us."
A Gift from God
Over 2,000 years ago on a hill called Calvary, a man named Jesus was crucified. He had committed no crime. His was a life driven by love and compassion for all.
Measuring Commitment
The most important questions should begin with the issue of a potential mate's commitment to God. What is his or her life founded on? What philosophy do they live by? Is Christ really the Lord of their life, or is it someone or something else? Will they follow God's word completely, or make allowances when times get tight? Remember - wherever they are headed, you will be, too. Getting the answers to these questions should involve more than merely asking.
Many seek to grow closer to God. While the roads traveled may be different, it's the final destination that matters most. Some of Santa Clarita's most respected pastors weigh in on the topic...
Does your list of New Year's resolutions include a preponderance of material changes? While losing weight, saving money and recycling more are all valuable efforts, let's not forget the more philosophical, transformative resolutions. Consider the following suggestions, courtesy of Santa Clarita's well-respected local pastors.
An in-depth look at six local churches.
photography by Ted Dayton

"Counting your blessings" is often easier said than done. It's not hard to become discouraged; to imagine that our private pains are unconquerable; to believe that, in fact, we don't have much to be grateful for. In our first "Have Faith..." installment, local pastors share their thoughts about how we all are, in one way or another, truly blessed.
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