Placerita Bible Church
Now Providing Free Biblical Counseling Services to the SCV Community
May, 2015 - Issue #127
Whether you're dealing with anger, bitterness, depression, financial worry, marriage problems, anxiety, child-rearing issues or any other emotional malady, the common refrain you may hear goes something like this: "You should talk about it with a trusted counselor."

Unfortunately, that's often easier said than done. Most health insurance policies don't adequately cover counseling sessions, leaving patients on the hook for bills that can exceed $175 an hour. And, even if you're able to find affordable options, the counseling service you receive may not comfortably coordinate with your religious views. Secular counseling services, for example, may not address the biblical implications of the troubles in your marriage or how you seek to raise your child under the teaching and admonition of Scripture.

For many believers, their ideal "trusted counselor" is not just an expert in matters of the heart but can speak with an informed theological framework that doesn't just bring your soul closer to resolution - it brings you face to face with the truth of the Gospel.

"In order to cultivate real, lasting change - the kind of change that makes you feel truly happy and satisfied in your life and with your relationships - you need to work to become more like Christ," says Placerita Bible Church's Senior Pastor Adam Tyson. "Fortunately for us, all of the ways we can do this are found in the Bible. No matter what we're dealing with on earth, the Bible provides for us a guide we can use to navigate life's ups and downs."

The key is understanding how to apply the Bible's guidance to today's all-to-stressful problems. "The Bible provides the only authoritative guide we need for what we should believe and how we should live," says Placerita Bible Church's Associate Pastor Steve Severance. "My wife Judy and I have been happily married since 1963 and have found our calling in serving married couples in their journey with each other and with God. We work to help couples set their hearts and minds on Christ and to put their hope in Him. We adjust our sessions to meet the needs of the couple we're counseling, sharing the Word in tandem with the trials they may be enduring in their marriage. There's homework, too! We may assign couples a 'date night' or ask them to pray together as they reflect on specific passages."

Pastor Severance is just one of the Placerita Biblical Counseling Center's highly-trained on-site counselors who volunteer their services as a means of glorifying God. "Teaching our counselees how to live in a way that pleases God is a commitment each of our counselors make - and they don't do so lightly," explains Pastor Tyson. "Each PBCC counselor must undergo hundreds of hours of education, mentorship, observation and practice before they can be a certified biblical counselor. These men and women share biblical truth with their clients, always focusing on the counselee's heart. It's through this truth that lives and relationships are transformed - and hope springs anew," says the senior pastor.

"We have been blessed with the opportunity to turn many hearts to hope in Him," says Pastor Severance. "The entire team at PBCC works to pair counselors and counselees in a way that will most effectively allow for openness, trust and connection. No matter whom you meet with at PBCC though, you can expect compassion, encouragement, truth and direction on how to apply God's wisdom in your life."

This kind of guidance is priceless and, in this case, it's also free. "We absolutely do not charge for our ongoing counseling sessions," says Pastor Tyson. "All we ask is that you, in good faith, challenge yourself to obey God's Word and attend at least one sermon at Placerita Bible Church in order to gain even more support and perspective into your problem - and God's solution for it."

Interested in learning more about PBCC's services? Log onto to fill out an online Personal Data Information (PDI) counseling form. Appointments are scheduled within 48 hours after receipt of your PDI. Counseling sessions last one hour and are held once weekly. You may also contact Placerita Bible Church directly with your questions. 259-2913
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