Sleep, sweetheart - sleep. A mom's reflection.
Great tips for welcoming your newest bundle.
The very best for Baby - and Mom!
The old adages, "Happy wife, happy life" and "If momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy" seem quaint - until there's a frustrated pregnant woman, struggling mom with a newborn or even an experienced (And still exhausted!) mother in the house. Then they make all the sense in the world! Taking care of Mom means that she's better able to take care of the ones she loves the most. Here are three ways that moms, new and otherwise, can take care through some of the most stressful - and rewarding - times of their lives.
The Inside SCV Magazine family is growing - meet this sweetie!
The very best for your baby blessings.
Make life easier with your little bundle of joy.
Why having your baby in a birth center is advantageous.
Everything you need for Baby - including the cutest onesies ever!
We asked our Facebook family to share their favorite "Here's how we announced!" stories. Here are some of the sweetest of the bunch.
Dear New or Soon-to-be Mom,
Baby blogs and slick parenting magazines make the first year of your little one's life seem like magical moment after magical moment. Don't get me wrong - there are lots of them! But as a seasoned mother, it does worry me that many new moms get totally caught off guard by the stress-filled reality of life with a tiny new person. Soon-to-be-mom, here's what I really want you to know.
Smart tips on how to prep siblings for Baby's first photo shoot.
Find out what's best for your little baby - from breastfeeding to chiropractic and beyond.
What cuties! Sweet babies and those who love them are the focus in this spread.
It's not uncommon to read about "risks" of childbirth - but have you considered the risks associated with hospital births?
In May of 2010, I found myself climbing into a birthing tub and - just minutes later, climbing out a mother. The road that took me to our first homebirth was unmarked territory.
Santa Clarita is filled with great ways to ensure that your "treasure on the way" arrives happy and healthy.
The best children's hospital in the western United States can now be found in the Santa Clarita Valley. Children's Hospital Los Angeles opened the doors of its new pediatric outpatient services center in Valencia in March, bringing the clinical expertise of its doctors, nurses and staff to area residents.
I'll never forget my first experience nursing my son - or, more specifically, not nursing him. My darling treasure weighed in at a formidable 10 pounds at birth. Because of his weight, the nurses insisted that he be supplemented with formula while in the hospital.
Ultrasounds, Midwives, NICU info and nursery furnishings...
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