Baby Blessings
November, 2014 - Issue #121
Sweet Ways SCV Couples
have Announced their Pregnancy

We asked our Facebook family to share their favorite "Here's how we announced!" stories. Here are some of the sweetest of the bunch.

"We invited our parents over for a 'casual' dinner and before dinner we gave both our moms a gift bag. Inside the bag was our favorite childhood book and a picture frame that said, 'When a baby is born, so is a grandmother!' and the picture in the frame was a positive pregnancy test picture. We found out right around Mother's Day so it was extra special! So many happy tears were shared!,"
~ Crystal de Armero

"I wrote out a little baby gift card to my husband that said, 'I love you and can't wait to meet you. Your new baby,' and put the card on his dinner plate,"
~ Donna Stone

"I took a picture of my two dogs. One was wearing a sign that said, 'I'm going to be a big sister!' The other one said, 'At least it's not the furry kind.' I waited until I was almost 4 months pregnant to tell everyone, too. My grandma passed away around that time... I didn't want to tell everyone after that happened. So I waited. My parents went away to Bali and the day they got back I sent them the picture and waited for their response. Needless to say they were super excited. Everyone loved it and it fit my dogs' personalities perfectly!,"
~ Morgan Servera

"I announced it on my blog for Mother's Day. After a heartbreaking miscarriage for which my fans and readers were a huge support, I thought that was appropriate!,"
~ Cara Gayle Grippin Cherry

"We told my cousin's 10 year old daughter to announce it at the end of the Christmas prayer by saying,
'Please bless Sean and Summer's new baby. Amen.' It took people a little while to figure out what she meant, and then everyone starting cheering. They couldn't believe it,"
~Summer Flaherty

And we couldn't fail to mention the best video announcement we've ever seen - Eric Killingsworth's "sexiest dad's baby announcement!" (Seriously - YouTube that phrase now!). He and photographer-friend Michael Anthony paired up for a hilarious take on the "We're having a baby!" video, with wife Sarah popping in at the end to put a stop to the madness. Eric is one of our favorite photographers (Check out his work in this issue starting on page 72!), Sarah is one of our favorite models and all three are some of our favorite people. Congrats!

Want to Learn and Connect with Local Moms?
Being a new parent can feel isolating, confusing and overwhelming! The good news: There's strength in numbers - and the SCV Birth Center is committed to bringing parents together under the flags of education and community building. Discovering the many options is as simple as logging onto the Center's website. Visit and click on "Calendar" to view the collection of interesting, helpful upcoming classes and special events. 254-3000
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