Natural-light Baby Photography Captures your Little One's Glow
photography by Laurie Sachs Photography 305-5493
 photography by Laurie Sachs Photography 305-5493 |
Worried about the Pain During Natural Childbirth? Here's Something to Think About
So you've heard of natural childbirth and are concerned about the pain. Reasonably enough, most women are. The scenes from the movies that feature a woman yelling, "Give me the drugs!," are enough to make any woman think labor isn't natural. On the contrary, women have been giving birth for thousands of years - this is one of the things a woman's body is made to do. Her body naturally reacts to each phase of pregnancy and labor. There is so much that happens when you decide to have an unmedicated natural birth.
You feel everything - the good and the bad. Most women who decide not to have medication for their first birth said they would do it again - even the pain. The overwhelmingly-joyous and empowering emotion that comes from an unmedicated birth makes it all worth it. When women are given the ability to be in charge of their birth, they often feel that they can mentally overcome the pain.
During your natural birth, your body is chemically responding. Beta-endorphins kick in through the first stage of labor and help manage your pain. Once these endorphins kick in, your brain creates a natural dream-like state. Even after labor, the "birth high" continues. Without drugs intercepting the natural release of endorphins and hormones, your body is able to experience all the sensations that birth brings.
In most hospitals, there are protocols that involve drugs and restricted time limits on birthing your baby. During your natural birth, you have the freedom to move around as much as you feel you need to. The SCV Birth Center midwives monitor you and your baby in any position you are most comfortable. When you allow your body to do what it knows to do, you and baby are less likely to develop complications that result in a surgical birth.
SCV Birth Center is SCV's first free-standing birth center. As a nationally-accredited birth center, it is held to the highest standards of clinical and administrative care. Its midwives empowers women to use their natural ability to birth without a dependence on arbitrary hospital policies. At the SCV Birth Center, babies are welcomed to the world safely and naturally. 254-3000
 photography by Taylor Kinzie |
The Inside SCV Family is Growing!
Congratulations to Rebecca Rollins of Rebecca Rollins Interiors, her husband Mike and big brother Preston! They welcomed sweet Jett James on August 12. Darling Jett weighed 9 pounds!