September, 2018 - Issue #168
photography by Laurie Sachs
photography by Laurie Sachs

Sleep, Sweetheart, Sleep
While my children are well beyond the newborn stage, I still marvel at the sweetness that exudes from their precious faces when they're asleep. With two off in college, it's a rare treat - and one I wish I had spoiled myself with more often, when they were tiny. If I really look closely, I can see that fine point where their baby features have fused with their now-mostly-grown visages, forming the faces I treasure today. It's been a journey, this thing called motherhood, and when all is quiet - when they're sleeping - that's my time to reflect on that blend from babe to adulthood. I think of all we've done, all I wish I had done, all I hope we'll get to do. Sometimes it all feels like a dream, those first few furiously-fast years that span between newborn through elementary school, when you're running at top speed, just trying to keep everyone alive. It can feel impossible to stop, to gaze, to cherish the moment when the moment is smeared with jelly, running with scissors or rushing to soccer practice. If I could travel back to the time of my young motherhood, I'd sit more. I'd stare more. I'd let the laundry sit and I'd watch them sleep.
Laurie Sachs is a national award-winning baby, maternity and family photographer from Santa Clarita. 305-5493

photography by Laurie Sachs
photography by Laurie Sachs

Don't Visit a New Mom without at Least One of these in Hand
Food & Drink
Bring a simple homemade or take-out meal for the whole fam, focusing on food that can easily be warmed in the microwave. And if she's nursing, help her stay hydrated. Fresh-squeezed juices, smoothies or her fave sparkling water will feel like a special treat to the lady who's now drinking for two.

A Gift or Extra Time for Older Sibs
It's easy to feel territorial when there's a new baby on your turf. Bring an activity to do with Big Bro or Sis, a special gift they'll enjoy (Hold back on that "Mommy's Little Helper" tee, because it's lame.) or a treat that's just for them. Bonus: You'll also be treating Mom to a small reduction in, "What did I just do to my older child/ren!?" guilt.

Those first few weeks, she won't be getting out much. Bring cheerful natural elements inside for her to enjoy. A long-lasting floral arrangement will brighten her view and add a gorgeous scent to her space. These beauties are from Charmaine's Bouquet Canyon Florist. 297-3100

"In our culture, we tell women that once they're mothers, they're not sexy enough. That as their bodies stretched to accommodate new life, they expanded beyond what society finds desirable. My staff and I reject the notion that a mom is 'less' or 'too much' of anything. And if a woman wants 'her body back,' we're here to remind her that it didn't go anywhere. Her beauty and worth have been here the whole time. Did things change? Of course. And if she wants help looking like she's slept this decade, or feeling like her pre-pregnancy self during intimacy, or helping her feel confident in her makeup-free face because no one's got time for concealer, we can do that. That's our small role in all of this, as fellow moms. To lift each other up, not to sell a service or product, but to sell each other on ourselves. Love yourself, mama. You're amazing."
Dr. Courtenay Poucher is the owner of Aesthetic Center of Santa Clarita,
an all-women facility that offers revitalizing medical-grade skincare treatments
and vaginal-rejuvenation services. 312-0497
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