Best for Baby
November, 2013 - Issue #109
Laurie Sachs photography 305-4593
Laurie Sachs photography 305-4593
photography by Laurie Sachs

What Women Want
Doctors who Hear where You're Coming From
Men make up some of our favorite physicians, so we're certainly not knocking them when we say that we're thrilled to have two incredible female doctors now taking appointments in the Aesthetic Center of Santa Clarita.

Here's the deal: There are just some things we'd rather discuss with a woman. Don't get us wrong, guys... We like you a lot. We just don't feel like talking about "down there" with you - especially when "down there" isn't exactly how we think it should be "up here." Labioplasty is not on the list of things we'd like to chat about with you, if you don't mind.

Infertility is another topic that we'd rather address with a gal. It's not that you don't understand the science of it - we know you do! But there's also a panic and a heartbreak to it that can only be felt. We need someone who can treat our infertility - and our feminine hearts.

When we met Dr. Courtenay Poucher (312-0497) and Dr. Catherine DeUgarte (310-209-7700), we were lifted by their warmth and evident abilities. We think you should meet them, too. They are hosting a Wine and Cheese Night on November 7. See their ad on page 87 for details.

Laurie Sachs photography 305-4593
Laurie Sachs photography 305-4593
World Breastfeeding Event at Henry Mayo Brings Mothers Together
Henry Mayo's lactation team celebrated World Breastfeeding Week recently by helping to promote this year's theme: "Breastfeeding Support Close to Mothers," which highlights the importance of peer counseling in helping mothers to establish and sustain breastfeeding.

As a Baby-Friendly Hospital, Henry Mayo promotes breastfeeding practices and provides support to sustain breastfeeding. Traditionally, support is also provided by the family. As societies change, however, in particular with urbanization, support for mothers from a wider circle is needed, whether it is provided by trained health workers, lactation consultants, community leaders, from friends who are also mothers and/or from fathers/partners.

"The key to best breastfeeding practices is continued day-to-day support for the breastfeeding mother within her home and community," said Mary Beth Sweet, BS, IBCLC.

Henry Mayo's lactation team prepared a display showing the five circles of support for mothers and children: Family and Social Network, Healthcare, Workplace and Employment, Government/Legislation and Response to Crisis or Emergency, all surrounding women in the center circle.

Medela Calma breastmilk feeding nipple, First Years Breastflow bottle and Round the Clock baby tracker Mother & Baby Boobtique 259-8802
Medela Calma breastmilk feeding nipple, First Years Breastflow bottle and Round the Clock baby tracker Mother & Baby Boobtique 259-8802
Breastfeeding made Easy
Free First Breastfeeding and Baby Care Tips Session
Mother & Baby Boobtique provides moms and mothers to be with a complimentary breastfeeding and baby care tips session as a way to fulfill their mission and commitment to lactation support and baby care.

The company endorses education in lactation for a successful breastfeeding journey. Recipients of the free session will leave feeling confident, thanks to the warm lessons imparted by owner Rita Araki, who has served in postpartum units for 20 years, or one of her friendly lactation consultants. Call to schedule your free session today. 259-8802

Laurie Sachs photography 305-4593
Laurie Sachs photography 305-4593
Infant Chiropractic Care
Makes a Real Difference

Chiropractic treatment isn't just for adults. Did you know that a large proportion of children and babies also are treated regularly with chiropractic?

Parents choose chiropractic care for their infants, toddlers and older children because it helps heal the body and ensure that it is functioning at an optimum level.

Chiropractic care has been found to work both as a preventative measure and as a means of symptom reduction for illnesses as varied as colic, reflux, ear and sinus infections.

Care from your chiropractor doesn't treat a particular illness; instead chiropractic works when other methods fail because of vertebral subluxation. Simply: Your nerves are essential to the proper functioning of every body system, ranging from your stomach to your head and neck and every other inch of your body.

Any interference - or "vertebral subluxation" - in your spine could negatively affect your organ function and result in childhood discomfort like gas, reflux, colic or a reduction in drainage in the sinuses and ears, which lead to painful infections.

Chiropractic adjustments for babies and children are very different than the adjustments customized for adults. Even newborns can benefit from the extremely gentle corrections, as the level of pressure used is very, very small. In fact, a child's adjustment will usually be delicately applied using just the fingertips.

For more information, or to schedule a check-up for your little one, contact Dr. Chace R. Unruh at the Unruh Spine Center. 288-0022

Laurie Sachs photography 305-4593
Laurie Sachs photography 305-4593
The Practice of Midwives
Midwives provide care for women and childbearing families with respect for cultural diversity while also working to eliminate harmful practices within those same cultures.

Midwives encourage realistic expectations of childbirth by women within their own society, with the minimum expectation that no women should be harmed by conception or childbearing.

Midwives use their professional knowledge to ensure safe birthing practices in all environments and cultures.

Midwives respond to the psychological, physical, emotional and spiritual needs of women seeking health care, whatever their circumstances.

Midwives act as effective role models in health promotion for women throughout their life cycle, for families and for other health professionals.

Midwives actively seek personal, intellectual and professional growth throughout their midwifery career, integrating this growth into their practice.

Explore your options! Call to learn more about midwives, waterbirth, birth at home and at the SCV Birth Center, which is conveniently located on Peachland Avenue in Newhall. 254-3000
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