There's nothing we love more than babies - except, maybe, preparing for babies. Inside SCV publisher Jeanna Crawford had her "dream highchair" in storage before she even got pregnant. Therese's college dorm room was festooned with Anne Geddes photos of infants dressed as tulips. And now, with their newborn days (temporarily?) behind them, their new labor of love (pun intended) has been gathering tips, quips and helpful hints for the newest batch of mommies and daddies.
When I first told family and friends that I was considering a homebirth under the guidance of a midwife and a labor doula, the general reaction was... shock. But not because they thought I wasn't up for a natural birth. "I didn't know you could even do that," said my sister.
Expectant parents have big decisions ahead of them. Some are easy (Like deciding that "Moonpie" isn't a great middle name.); others are more difficult (like choosing who gets to tell Grandma-to-be that her favorite moniker, "Moonpie," isn't going to be on the birth certificate.). Don't worry. We're here to help.
You may have read our July 2010 cover story, which introduced the newest member of the Inside SCV Magazine family. Cassel Crawford was born at home with the help of midwife Renee Sicignano, owner of Santa Clarita Birth & Women's Health Center. Since then, we've been asked many questions about the homebirth experience. While we're always happy to share information about our own wonderful experience, we thought that it would be best for Renee to handle the more technical questions.
I'm known for being prepared. And so it seemed strange to me, seven months into my healthy pregnancy, I had yet to pack my hospital bag. Ever since I learned that my husband, Kyle, and I were expecting our first child, I had been drawn to the idea of giving birth in the water.
Henry Mayo's Mommy -and Baby- friendly Services
Dear Baby,
I have a story to tell you. It's about one of my favorite subjects.
It's about you.
It starts off a bit sad, though. But that's Ok. There are sad moments in life; that's a guarantee. But those sad times help us better recognize the happy times. Hopefully you'll see what I mean in a minute.
Five tips to a keep you and your baby healthy.
Babies are blessings - and a lot of work. Before your little angel even has a chance to wake you up for a 2 a.m. feeding, you may be losing sleep, distracted by too many registry options and an ever-growing "before the baby comes" to-do list.
She went the extra mile for you at every opportunity, pulling goodness out of her bag of tricks. Now it's your turn to show her what's in your bag. Treat her to an hour, an afternoon or a day of beauty and relaxation she'll not soon forget.
I'm typing this story in the hospital.
My baby sister, who's long past any traditional conception of babyhood now that's she's been on this earth over 25 years, is about to bring a new life into the world.
For the population that has managed to miss out on the "joys" of childbirth, you might not know that a lot of the time, it's a waiting game. Too many Hollywood movies show only the last portion of huffing, puffing and daddy-blaming.

As in any situation of loss, the effect is personally unique. For women who have been through an abortion, the hurt they suffer afterwards is often confusing and shameful. Many ask themselves, "If it's my right to make this choice why am I in so much pain?" "Why doesn't anyone want to hear about my pain?," is another frequent quandary. I have talked with so many women who have shared their shock at how alone they felt after they had an abortion. This pain is a natural emotional response to grieving a loss. However, often women feel isolated because even though society says the choice is theirs to make, this same society doesn't appear to actually want to hear too many details after the fact.