Congratulations to Legacy's Brave Class of 2020
June, 2020 - Issue #189

Since the inception of this Academy over 15 years ago, my graduation messaging to our matriculating classes has been admittedly repetitive - and entirely sincere.
"I'm so very proud of each of you."
I've meant it every occasion I've uttered the phrase but, this time, it's different.
No other Legacy class has encountered so many obstacles globally and here at home. No other Legacy Christian teacher has had to near-immediately transition our accelerated academic curriculum to an online platform - nor student transition alongside. No other Lion has shown such resilience, flexibility and adaptation.
No other class has been asked to be so very brave.
At this unprecedented time in history, we have been blessed with unique students with a distinguished commonality: 2020's Legacy Lions are incredibly, irrevocably brave.
As Christians, we are compelled to be, "strong and of good courage," as the Bible assures us that He, "will not leave nor forsake" us (Deuteronomy 31:6).
From the tiniest Kindergartner to our near-grown middle-school graduates, Legacy learners have courageously charted new territory with their teachers, administrators and staff. They have accomplished what so many of us adults still struggle with, embracing change with aplomb and tackling new challenges with enthusiastic smiles.
We did not go into our Distance Learning Plan (DLP) expecting anything less. This year's students can't help but impress. During their 2019-2020 school year, they have helped Legacy earn the title of "Best Private School" yet again. This class saw Legacy wow the national WASC accreditation committee and our Lions score big at local and regional competitions, including our RoboLions, who finished in the Top 10 against dozens of California high-school robotics programs.
They'd tell you that they did it all with plenty of help - these Lions are humble and gracious, common traits of the truly brave. Legacy's Christian-based character education has instilled unwavering faith, compassion and an understanding that none of us rises alone. They have not just been brave for themselves, but for their peers, teachers, siblings and community. They have modeled bravery for others and have learned it from the best. Before DLP, these students encountered bravery in person when Colonel Jeff Williams, NASA astronaut, shared his testimony in our chapel. During our Distinguished Alumni Speakers Series, they were inspired to apply what they have learned at Legacy in the real world.
It is not always easy to make the decision to be brave. It has not always been easy for our Lions, but love for their families, classmates, teachers and school has buoyed them - and all of us. 2 Timothy 1:7 tells us that, "God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of sound mind." The Class of 2020 has made the brave choice of love over fear time and again. By little coincidence, they have practiced this before, stepping outside their comfort zones during our annual community outreach projects and with their work with our sister school in Uganda. Now, with this global shift, the Class of 2020 could teach a masterclass on bravery.
These Lions have honored Him through their continuing pursuit of excellence every day, in every class, for every assignment - but, more importantly, they continued their pursuit of excellence in character development. Not one of them is the same as they were on the first day of school in August 2019 - and all of them are better... and braver.
Congratulations, Class of 2020. I am so very proud of each of you.
Matt Millett, M Ed. is a local education expert and
head of school at Legacy Christian Academy.
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