Creating a Legacy of Learning for your Children
October, 2018 - Issue #169

More than anything, good parents want to provide their children with everything they need to be happy, healthy and successful. As the 2019-2020 school-enrollment process begins, families have started to tour campuses, ask questions and do their research.
Time and time again, that time investment draws them to Legacy Christian Academy - because the Valencia K-8th campus combines what committed parents want and need for their children's academic and spiritual growth.
"After decades of partnering with parents at Sunshine and Legacy, I've concluded that the best way to summarize what our families dream for their child is that they pray they are healthy in body, mind and spirit; that they have set them up for success socially and in their future educational experiences and careers; that they are happy and confident in Christ's love; and that they are given the opportunity to develop critical thinking, leadership skills and compassion for others that will serve them well today and in the future," says Head of School Matt Millett. "And that's why they're at Legacy - because the Academy nourishes and develops each of those aspects."
At the root of it all is Legacy's commitment to Christlike character building, which can be seen not only in each classroom but also via weekly Chapel services, community-service projects, special "heart-work" assignments and special awards given to students who go the extra mile to serve their peers.
"It's very exciting to be at a school that is so academically accelerated and, at the same time, so committed to spiritually training kids to know and love the Lord. It's amazing, and rare, that Legacy does both so well," says Garrick Moss, associate head of school for activities and spiritual life. "Legacy excels at everything they do - national awards, test scores, spiritual culture, the administration team, the parent community - it's absolutely second to none."
That dedication to being the best is what motivated Legacy to revitalize the campus with the addition of Discovery Hall, which includes the Academy's new state-of-the-art Innovation and Science Labs. These new spaces, and the pedagogy that drove their inception, are why the Academy is often affectionately referred to as "Legacy Tech." "Legacy teaches our students to think like engineers - meaning, you have a problem and you think about how to solve it. You look at your expected results, you choose the best possible solution. You learn trial and error. That's what we do in Discovery Hall!" says Carl Astrera, computer/IT director, computer teacher and the Academy's 2017 Teacher of the Year.
The mindset for constant improvement is inherent in the Legacy administration and faculty culture. "Legacy is always innovating - in the classroom, with faculty training, in our curriculum selections, by finding new ways to share Christ's love with others. Here, progress is an ongoing process," explains Legacy's Associate Head of School - Academics Stacie Zorichak.
Legacy Christian Academy provides customized campus tours year-round. Call to schedule yours today. 257-7377

Committed to Keeping your Child Safe
It's a fact of life in 2018: School isn't always a safe place to be. "We're incredibly aware of parental concerns about safety," says Head of School Millett, "and we share them. Unlike many other local schools, Legacy is a closed campus - but we don't stop there." In fact, Legacy learners are protected by a family-specific pass-coded, locked front door with view-limiting film; numerous exterior video monitors; high-tech cameras in every classroom and hallways; instant LobbyGuard background checks; and more. They've also added an armed security guard for an additional layer of security. "Safety is paramount, because only when a child feels completely safe can they entirely invest their energies into academic and spiritual growth. And when parents drop off their children, they need to feel confident in us so that they can be focused and successful during their day. We take all of this very seriously," says Millett.
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