Legacy Christian's Technology Upgrades
Prepare Students for the Careers of the Future
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An ongoing goal at Legacy is to provide students with the most advanced, progressive technology available. "It is important to remember that technology is not the end-product, but should be used as tools in the hands of our very capable faculty to help instill and nurture 21st-century skills within the lives of our students," says Legacy Principal Dr. Matthew Northrop.
In the 2015-16 school year, Legacy students are benefiting from the following new technology additions.
"For our fifth- and sixth-grade classes, we purchased 54 new state-of-the-art Chromebooks. The Chromebooks will allow more time for classroom learning; they boot up and are ready to use in less than eight seconds. They will also be linked to our new Google ecosystem which allows for increased classroom collaboration; teacher sharing of documents, presentations and videos; and allows students to save their work on the cloud via Google Drive," says Legacy Superintendent Tim Borruel.
"We also added additional iPads in our Kinder, first and second grade classrooms. The iPads will be put to exceptional use by our students during their center rotations and will make extraordinary learning programs like MIND Math and Rowland Reading even more accessible to each of our students. Our dedicated teachers will continue to use their Academy-issued iPads to quickly and efficiently navigate their interactive Smartboards," explains Dr. Northrop.
"Over the summer, we added a number of Macs to one of our middle school classrooms. These Macs will be used in our first 'Legacy News' class, a new elective option for our middle school students taught by Mr. Gilbride. We will also be using the Macs for other MS classes such as Photo, Video Production and ASB," shares Donna Borruel, Legacy's co-founder and director of Educational Oversight.
3D Printer
In addition, Legacy has raised the funds and now is in the research phase to purchase a new 3D printer for the school to be used by students. The possibilities are endless, but include using the 3D printer for the fifth-grade Entrepreneur Project, Robotics classes and the Architecture class.
Legacy Christian Academy 257-7377
The William S. Hart Union High School District
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