Kickin' Kids Camps
May, 2017 - Issue #151

It might only be spring, but planning for summer starts now!
Help your kiddos battle boredom while learning new skills and meeting new friends. (Plus, buy yourself some "alone" or work time in the process!)

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courtesy of Shutterstock

Camp with an Equestrian Kick
At Don-e-brook Farms, your child will learn to ride English or Western style during formal lessons and trail rides. The convenient location - just a minute from the city limit - offers daily sessions from 9am to 12pm with professional trainers and fun counselors. Snacks and crafts are included in each session, which cost only $250 ($150 with your own horse.). The first of eight sessions begins June 12. 297-7669

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courtesy of Shutterstock
Escape Summer Camp
Don't miss out on ESCAPE's Summer Camp - or their upcoming production of "Shrek, the Musical." ESCAPE is a non-profit organization designed to teach kids about teamwork, creativity and musical theatre in a fun environment - and their summer camp offers all that and more! Have your child join them for one or two weeks beginning July 17 to sing, dance, learn more about acting and improvisation and much more! In June, over 300 talented youth and teens will be performing "Shrek, the Musical" at The Santa Clarita Performing Arts Center. In August, ESCAPE teens will perform "Grease" at The Canyon High School Performing Arts Center. Interested in signing up your child for "Grease," summer camps or "The Music Man" in the fall? Give them a ring. 299-5264

Teach Kids to Love Tennis
It's never too early to teach children tennis! The Paseo Club's nationally-certified tennis pros keep campers entertained with age-appropriate drills, games, prizes and lots of fun. There are three different levels; each caters to the specific needs of your camper. Not only will your children learn a sport that will benefit them for a lifetime, but they will also enjoy other activities like swimming and indoor games. Lunch is included, too! They'll learn and improve their tennis skills from staff professionals and highly-skilled assistants for a reasonable price. Summer camp runs June 12 to August 4; it's $60 for members and $70 for non-members for Full Day; $40/$45 for Half Day. Book before May 15 for a 10-percent discount. 257-0044

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courtesy of Shutterstock
Summer's more Fun with Sunshine
For incoming kinder through sixth graders, Sunshine's summer camp is the place to be! With two field trips a week that are included in the cost of tuition, this is the camp for children who love adventures. Even non-field-trip days are a blast, thanks to daily themes with six activities to keep it interesting, like art, science, inside games, outside games and more. Summer camp starts June 12; sign up soon, because Early Bird rates (Save $25 a week!) end on May 5. Help your kids make memories that will last a lifetime with caring, experienced counselors and the best programming you'll find anywhere. 294-1970

Safety First for Santa Clarita's Kids
Injuries are the leading cause of death among young children - but most child injuries can be prevented. Parents, caregivers, schools and Safety Town camps can play a life-saving role in protecting Santa Clarita's children from injuries.

Santa Clarita Optimist Foundation's "Safety Town" camp is a five-day safety education and awareness program for children ages 4.5 to 6 years of age in the SCV. Camps will be held at North Park Elementary School on July 10 to July 14 and July 17 to July 21 from 9am to 12:45pm.
Safety Town is a miniature city built to the scale of a small child that will be assembled within a secured playground, with traffic lights, street and stop signs, striped walkways, crosswalks and streets. Each day of camp, children learn from California-credentialed teachers, volunteer teen counselors and local community safety professionals who talk and give safety demonstrations to the children on earthquakes and disasters, fire prevention, emergencies, dialing 9-1-1 and other safety topics including vehicle and passenger, pedestrian, personal and stranger danger, water, playground, bicycle and animals. Videos, craft projects, songs and games reinforce the safe conduct rules the children have learned.

Safety Town is unique because it is the only dedicated safety program for young children in the SCV that gives children hands-on experiences of safety training in a realistic, fun and controlled environment and provides interaction with local community safety professionals who visit each day of the camp. These pros represent the LA County Fire Department and Sheriff Department, City Crossing Guards, CA Highway Patrol, City Transit, City Lifeguards, American Red Cross and Guide Dogs of America.

The application to register your child for a Safety Town Camp is available at Teen volunteers in grades seventh through 12th can download an application to register to become a Counselor in Training.
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