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Fun-filled Theatre Workshops at Canyon Theatre Guild
Children of reading age to age 10 will love CTG Kids and being part of the adorable show, "Journey of the Noble Gnarble." This workshop is a story of a little Gnarble with a big dream! Kids ages 10 to 13 love CTG Juniors; this three-week workshop features "Aesop's Hop!" The animals and two Muses prepare for Aesop's surprise 98th birthday party - until they realize that they have no music! For your teenagers ages 13 to 17: CTG Jack Oakie Stars will be performing "Shrek The Musical JR." In this five-week workshop, beauty is in the eye of the ogre! It's a "big bright beautiful world" as Shrek leads a cast of fairytale misfits on an adventure to rescue a princess and find true acceptance. Canyon Theatre Guild 799-2702
Safety Fun in the Summer Sun
Child injuries involving falls, motor vehicles, pedestrians, bicycles, fire, poisoning, animal bites, earthquakes and drownings are preventable. Yet in four years, more than 2,500 injuries to children ages 4 to 6 years living in the SCV were reported. At Safety Town - Santa Clarita, young children learn about safety topics and related skills in a fun, interactive environment. They practice pedestrian and vehicle safety skills in a child-size town with buildings, streets, sidewalks, signal and safety signs where they drive pedal cars complete with safety belts. Each day, community safety professionals give safety and injury prevention demonstrations on emergency preparedness, fire prevention, stranger danger and personal safety, water/playground/bicycle/animal safety and more. To register and learn about Safety Town, log on.
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Workshops for Success,
Replace a Math Grade & More
Set your child up for success in math and science with the pros at Math Support Services. They have more than 25 years of experience with thousands of students and are enrolling now for all math and science courses. Replace a grade or get ahead with a WASC-accredited course that can be taken for credit. Enjoy flexible schedules that work around your vacation and summer activities! Enrichment options include preparation for all junior and senior high math and science courses, including AP courses, workshops for college entrance exams, study skills and skill building and math games, building a Rube Goldberg machine and much more!
Math Support Services 255-1730
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A Camp with an Equestrian Kick
At Don-e-brook Farms, your child will learn to ride English or Western style during formal lessons and trail rides. The convenient location - just a minute from the city limit - offers daily sessions from 9am to 12pm with professional trainers and fun counselors. Snacks and crafts are included in each session, which cost only $280. The first of eight sessions begins June 11. Individual or group trail rides and lessons are also available without a reservation - see the ad on page 83 for more details.
Don-e-brook Farms 296-9995
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Teach Kids to Love Tennis, Plus Kids Club
It's never too early for kids to learn tennis, train with nationally-ranked players and elevate their game! The Paseo Club's nationally-certified tennis pros keep campers entertained with age-appropriate drills, games, prizes and lots of fun. There are three different levels; each caters to the specific needs of your camper. They'll learn and improve their tennis skills from staff professionals and highly-skilled assistants for a reasonable price. Summer camp runs June 11 to August 3; it's $60 for members and $70 for non-members for Full Day; $40/$45 for Half Day. Book before May 15 for a 10-percent discount. And for Kids Club, littles will enjoy Muffin Monday, Tattoo Tuesday, Waterplay Wednesday, Superhero Dress Up Day, Facepaint Friday and more!
Paseo Club 257-0044
Sculpting is Fun for Kids
Your child can sculpt - and should! Fun Sculpting for Kids in Stevenson Ranch features a system of instruction that makes it possible for every child to develop sculpting skill and evolve towards even complex sculpture making in the future. The activity is not only fun, it's a fantastic way to encourage STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) outside-the-box thinking by developing skills like innovation, problem solving, creativity, the ability to take a two-dimensional design into the world of 3D and much more. Want to give it a try for free? Check out the ad on page 87 - and consider hosting a sculpting birthday party for up to eight kids! There's nothing like going home with a party favor you sculpted yourself! Fun Sculpting For Kids 400-1514
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Summer's more Fun with Sunshine
For incoming kinder through sixth graders, Sunshine's summer camp is the place to be! With two field trips a week that are included in the cost of tuition, this is the camp for children who love adventures. Even non-field-trip days are a blast, thanks to daily themes with six activities to keep it interesting, like art, science, inside games, outside games and more. Summer camp starts June 11; sign up soon, because Early Bird rates (Save $25 a week!) end on May 4. Help your kids make memories that will last a lifetime with caring, experienced counselors and the best programming you'll find anywhere.
Sunshine Learning Centers 294-1970
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Save a Life with
Swim Lessons & Safety
Drowning is the leading cause of accidental death for children under the age of 5 in California and the second leading cause of accidental death for children under the age of 14. Education and vigilance with your children around water cannot be stressed enough. The Swim for Life Foundation has developed a Safer 3 message which has been adopted by the National Drowning Prevention Alliance. The Safer 3 includes:
Safer Water
Put upper locks on doors leading to pools or other bodies of water in your yard. Put fences around pools, covers on spas and pool alarms that sound when the surface water tension has been broken.
Safer Kids
Educate children to never go in or around water without an adult supervisor. Teach them how to help or rescue another who may be struggling in the water without entering the water or putting themselves in danger, as well as how to call 9-1-1. Teach your children how to swim and float on their backs with their clothes on. Always have a designated water watcher while around any body of water with children. Even excellent young swimmers require supervision!
Safer Response
Learn CPR so that if you ever do have to rescue your child from the bottom of the pool, precious minutes are not lost while waiting for an ambulance or other emergency responder.
For a free 25-minute private swim lesson, see page 85.
Academy Swim Club 702-8585