Jesus was the most astonishing child ever given to parents.
Mary, still a virgin, must have been amazed when the angel told her she would conceive. She must have been amazed when she wrapped that newborn and looked into the face of the God-man.
There is no greater task for education than to teach students how to learn.
Is Dual Immersion right for your child?
Every year, nearly 2 million students arrive at college campuses, ready to embark on the best four years of their lives. Yet the reality is that the current cohort of students is one of the most stressed, anxious and depressed ever. These stressors have real effects on students' grades, social life and physical health. And the stakes are high!
What does it really mean to be educated? Is college, in and of itself, really what educates a person? What above all must you know? Scripture's answer to this is very clear: "In all of your learning, get wisdom" (Proverbs 4:7).
The Inside SCV kids are spending their summer beaching, playing and... reading! Here's what's getting pages turned in our homes.
Connect with Culture, Enrichment and more
Continue the learning through Summer and Fall with these fabulous opportunities
They focused on the bright side. They found new ways to thrive. They stayed focused on their goals.
To stand out is to attract attention, either for the way you look or behave, or because you perform better at something than other people do.
SCV Summer Camp Options are here!
How to Avoid the "Overwhelm" with (Some) Kids Back in School
Just being a kid or teen is stressful enough - but adding learn-from-home pressures while social opportunities dwindle makes today an especially tough time to be young. Parents and teachers are struggling, too, which is why everyone could use simple, quick techniques to release feelings of stress and anxiety.
How to Encourage your Children to Drink More Water
Engage in this conversation of ideas: Let's read, talk about and write about the Great Books.
Recently named "Best Private School" again in Santa Clarita, Legacy Christian Academy's remarkable number of accolades continues to grow. Why does the Valencia Kinder-through-eighth campus draw such positive feedback from families and the community? "We've set ourselves apart in meaningful ways," says Head of School Matt Millett, a local education expert. "Balancing Christian character education with accelerated academics and today's best technology - all within a community that genuinely loves and supports each other - is special. You can feel it the moment you step on campus."
Working together to empower today's youth with great programs, award-winning teachers and more!
How do you engage in learning from a distance - and still feel close to your school community and resources?
The only thing worse than trying to get your kids to do their homework is having to help them with their homework. When you don't have all the answers, we've found the technology that does. These smart apps make helping with homework feel like a breeze.
Be Homeschool Teacher of the Year with Free Resources from the Smithsonian