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Revitalized Computer Lab Part of the Legacy Advantage
The kids are out for the summer, but staff at Legacy Christian Academy is still on campus, working hard to prepare the Academy's completely-transformed computer lab for the upcoming school year. "This new state-of-the-art innovative space is where Legacy students will learn, dream and create using technology that will inspire students to become 21st century learners and leaders," says Dr. Matthew Northrop, Legacy Principal.
Exciting additions include new wall panels and flooring that one might find at Apple, Google or Microsoft; a large flat HDTV touch screen that will allow students to interact with data in new, exciting ways; four large HDTV flat screens to showcase student work through the use of digital signage; new large, custom-made, sleek collaborative stand/sit desks that raise and lower with a touch of a button; fast, new wireless student computers; new flat-screen student monitors with a wireless keyboard and mouse; and much more!
This engaging space unique to Santa Clarita will provide Legacy students with the opportunity to become leaders in this ever-transforming technological era.
It's all part of the Legacy advantage. Students at Legacy Christian Academy don't just benefit from low class sizes (Currently an impressive 1:13.5 student-to-teacher ratio!); each Kinder-through-eighth Legacy learner has the benefit of a multiplicity of teachers directly influencing their overall development. With two classroom teachers and eight enrichment teachers, Legacy students have the advantage of 10 experts in their field sharpening their minds and guiding their hearts. Having a dedicated computer lab and computer teacher is part of that advantage.
All of this and more is why a record number of parents have chosen Legacy as the academic home for their children. "Parents increasingly understand that an investment in the early education of their children pays dividends now and later," says Legacy Superintendent Tim Borruel. "Inspiring a love of learning, while also instilling a desire and ability for academic excellence early on, cultivates minds and hearts for success in high school and beyond. Parents frequently attribute their child's incredible accomplishments, like admission and scholarships to the nation's most competitive colleges, to Legacy. We're honored to play such an important role in our students' current and lifelong success and we feel blessed to be able to do it in a warm, loving environment that instills character and honors Christ."
Legacy Christian Academy 257-7377
Establish Desired School Routines Now
Kids (And parents!) revel in post-breakfast laziness during summer months, so it seems counter intuitive to give those "slow mornings" up any earlier than absolutely necessary. But establishing routine now, in the few weeks before school begins, will make the "back to school" morning rush much more bearable. Start setting the alarms, figuring out fast kid-friendly breakfasts and getting everyone dressed and out the door "on time." Make it "real world" by scheduling a playdate or excursion for 8:30am so you have a legit reason to hustle out of the house. Trouble shoot now, before the pressure's really on. Is there a better place to store shoes so that one doesn't go missing two minutes before you have to leave? (No, really. Is there? Because if there is, tell us!) Does kiddo have the brush teeth/hair "without reminders" routine down? Now's the time to find out.
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Tuition-Free Public Charter School Invites Families to Learn More
SCVi Charter Hosting Community Open House July 26
SCVi Charter School is gearing up for another exciting year of learning, and the tuition-free public charter school is inviting children and their families to an open house where they can learn more about SCVi and its learner-centered approach to education.
"At SCVi, every student has a personalized learning plan," said Lisa Latimer, lower school director for SCVi (Santa Clarita Valley International), the founding campus of iLEAD Schools. "Our nationally-recognized, award-winning credentialed staff are here to make sure each child is prepared to lead and succeed in a rapidly-changing world."
SCVi offers TK through grade 12, and each student receives personalized college track planning. SCVi is a national leader in project-based deeper learning and authentic learning experiences that have real-world applications. In addition to daily site-based and home-study learning programs, SCVi's unique learning options include Innovation Studios, a hybrid learning program that puts middle school-aged and high school-aged learners in the driver's seat of their education.
Added Latimer: "Our open house will offer information on everything SCVi has to offer. It's an outstanding opportunity to learn about all the options we offer parents and learners, as well as our learner-centered approach to education. We're looking forward to answering families' questions and showing the community what SCVi is all about."
The open house is scheduled 6pm Tuesday, July 26, at SCVi Charter School, located at 28060 Hasley Canyon Road in Castaic. More information on SCVi and iLEAD Schools can be found at www.ileadschools.org. 800-925-1502
Prep a Sick Day & Emergency Plan
You probably will have to fill out an Emergency Contact list again this year, sending it off to the school with hopes that they'll never need it. But before you do: Make sure that the folks you entrust your kids with haven't changed their info and know that they're on the list. Have a conversation; what do you want them to do if the school does call because they can't get hold of you? If the child is sick but it's not an emergency, do you want them to go to your place of business? Head to their own home? What about in the case of an earthquake, if they get on site before you do? Where will you meet, should phone service be down? These are conversations to have now, before the added stress of school makes it too easy to put off.
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Sunshine Learning Centers Now Enrolling for Fall
With full and half-day schedules, before- and after-school programs and exceptional, educational care for your 18-month to Transitional Kindergarten child, no wonder Sunshine Learning Centers are the SCV's first pick for parents! With over 20 years in Santa Clarita, Sunshine combines character building with fun, engaging academics that children love. Call today to learn more about Sunshine's Early Learners, Preschool, Pre-K and Transitional-K options, including half-day Preschool and Pre-K. 294-1970
Designate Space for School Items
Was last year filled with forgotten lunches, misplaced homework and panicked "That was due today!?" moments? Use this "extra" time now to create a physical space for school items and make a plan to manage the influx of school paperwork and to do's now. Hooks next to the front door, a small white board installed in the coffee-mug cabinet for reminders, a mini filing system in the kitchen where after-school snacks are enjoyed and homework is done... whatever works for you!