SCV Education Focus
Run the Numbers
October, 2014 - Issue #120
Sometimes making decisions with and for your children comes down to crunching digits. We've made the math easy, identifying the numbers you need to know.

College Planning Experts
10: The number of years that College Planning Experts has been helping
families make college more affordable.

4,400: How many families they have helped earn financial aid awards,
making college obtainable.

$23,600: The average financial aid award per year, per student they've assisted.
25,000: The number of families that have attended the College Planning Experts' free workshop, which helps parents and their children understand financial aid myths and realities.

3,000: How many different colleges in the US and beyond that have been attended by students served by College Planning Experts.

10: The number of hours in research that you will save by signing up for
their one-on-one College Planning Analysis.


SCVi Charter School
100%: The school's graduation rate in its first year.

96%: How many of those graduates are currently in an institute of higher learning.

70%: How many of those graduates were accepted to four-year universities.

100%: The proportion of SCVi seniors who are able to attend a four-year university for college-experience day. They talk to admissions reps, connect with current university students and get to know campuses like UC Santa Barbara and Cal State Northridge.


Five Things to Consider
When Choosing a Dance School

1. What kind of school would you like to attend? A competition-based school, a ballet-only academy or a performing arts studio where all kinds of dance are taught well, but students are not involved with competitions?

2. How many dancers would you like in a class with your child? Less than 10? More than 30?

3. Is it important to you that the dance teacher be over 20? Have a Bachelor'sdegree? Or is a teenage assistant who trained at the studio fine with you? Does a lot of experience matter to you or does a love of dance suffice?

4. What are you comfortable with your dancer wearing in class and at performances? Would you prefer a conservative dress code or do you see dance more as a sport, with athletic dancewear being appropriate in class?

5. Is your goal for your dancer to have fun or to win? Or both? Do you see yourself or your child as the star or part of a hard-working team? Do you see dance more as an art form or entertainment?

There is a professional, high-quality school in the SCV with small class sizes and a well-trained, highly-educated staff proficient in a variety of dance styles. At Gervais School of Performing Arts, students of all ages and ability levels have the opportunity to perform, achieve, dream and create.
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