SCV Education NEWS
October, 2016 - Issue #144

SCVi Number One in Project-Based Learning
Tuition-Free Charter Students Excel with Hands-On Approach
SCVi Charter School believes the best way to learn is to "do," and this project-based, student-centered approach to learning is paying dividends for thousands of students at SCVi and other iLEAD Schools locations.
A few key numbers:

110: Students at SCVi in 2008 when it became the founding campus of iLEAD Schools.

3,600: TK through 12th-grade learners now served by 10 iLEAD learning locations.

7: The "7 Habits of Happy Kids" that provide the foundation for success and leadership at SCVi. These habits emphasize values like individual responsibility, proactivity, collaboration, effective listening and communication skills, a healthy mind and body and more.

10 out of 10: SCVi's 2016 graduate and
Leadership Award recipient, Julia Barragan, applied to 10 universities - and was accepted by all 10.

1 out of 10: The student experiment from SCVi Charter, "The Effects of Microgravity on Oxidation," was created by 11th-graders Dustin Fields, Alec Lewis and Kai Turner, and was one of just 10 chosen from a nationwide pool of applicants to go into space as part of the Student Spaceflight Experiments Program. The experiment begins flight safety review this month in preparation for a future flight aboard a SpaceX rocket bound for the International Space Station.

1: The Grandfather of Project-Based Learning, Thom Markham, one of the most innovative leaders in education today. Dr. Markham, whose name is synonymous with project-based learning, has joined the iLEAD advisory board and is helping the nonprofit charter organization continue to refine its learning programs.

Dr. Dianne G. Van Hook University Center at College of the Canyons
to hold October 2016 Open House

Have you been putting off getting the bachelor's or master's degree you need to advance in your career? Come to an Open House at the Dr. Dianne G. Van Hook University Center located on the College of the Canyons Valencia campus and find out just how doable getting your degree really is!

Held from 4pm to 7pm on Thursday, October 13, the Open House will provide prospective students with information about the more than 40 bachelor's and master's degree programs offered through the Center by partner institutions, including CSU Bakersfield, CSU Northridge, University of La Verne, Brandman University and National University.

Attendees can talk to university representatives, learn about financial aid programs, meet with counselors and submit admissions applications. In addition, more information will be available on new programs to be offered in the center.

Scheduled to debut at the University Center in future semesters is a bachelor's degree in Homeland Security and Emergency Management offered by National University. "This degree program is introduced in response to demands from students and the community's need for qualified professionals in the field of homeland security," said Cathy Ritz, Director of the University Center.
Since it opened in 2002, the University Center has enabled students to earn advanced degrees without leaving the Santa Clarita Valley. More than 2,600 students have graduated from the programs offered by the University Center's partners, Brandman University, CSU Bakersfield, CSU Northridge, National University and the University of La Verne.

The current 110,000-square-foot facility - which opened in 2009 - continues to offer bachelor's, master's and credential/certificate programs from various public and private universities, all of which have received approval and accreditation from the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC).

Cited as the college's solution to the lack of upper division, graduate school and continuing education programs in the area, the University Center was established with a goal to increase student access to advanced degrees by forging partnerships with surrounding four-year colleges and universities. Those institutions then make their academic programs available to students through courses offered at College of the Canyons.
The University Center is best accessed via University Center Drive, the southernmost campus entrance on Rockwell Canyon Road. Parking in the campus parking lots 13, 14 and 15 is free for this event.
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